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before we begin:
- storyline is written by me and everything is fictional aside from the face claims!
- no korean honorifics will be used!
- cursing is involved!

before we begin:- storyline is written by me and everything is fictional aside from the face claims!- no korean honorifics will be used!- cursing is involved!

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"lee heeseung speaking."

"lee heeseung, huh? hot."

"i'm sorry, who is this?"

"oh, my bad. i'm jaeyun. i prefer jake, though."



"how did you get my number?"

"did you not want it to be found? i mean, it's written right here on the ball, clear as day."

"what? the ball? what are you talking about?"

"yep, it's definitely the number i typed in. right here in blue ink. 'H-M-U' written below it. hence the reason i am hitting you up right now."

"...i think you called the wrong number, man. i have no fucking clue what you're on about."

"so you didn't write your phone number on a bowling ball at kim's bowling alley?"

"what the—no, i didn't wri—wait a minute...was that a flushing sound? are you on the fucking toilet?"

"...that's classified information."

"ew. i'm hanging up now."

"no, no wait! don't go yet! we can turn this phone call around! you can't just write H-M-U and then leave me like this! and after all we've been through."

"i'm still hanging up."

"awe, come on, don't—"



lee heeseung stuffs his phone back into his jean pocket. with an irritated huff, he storms out of the break room, his new mission to locate nishimura riki now his number one priority.

at the service desk stands the latter, having just handed a pair of bowling shoes to a costumer. riki turns around momentarily to place a pair of shoes another bowler had returned back to it's designated place on the shelf. the second he whips back around toward the front of the desk, an irritated lee heeseung stands on the other side of it.

"jesus, lee!" riki shrieks. he instantly jumps backward, grasping onto the shelves behind him for stability. it may seem like an overreaction, but riki's seen plenty of heeseung's piercing death-glares over the years, and they can sure as hell be frightening. "what the heck, man?!"

heeseung completely ignores the younger's outburst. "how dare you have the audacity to act all innocent," he exclaims accusingly, shoving his pointer finger right in riki's face. "i know what you did, idiot."

the stares of a few passerby's catch riki's eye. "first of all, get your ass back here, we're getting weird looks," he replies through gritted teeth. "second of all, i do a lot of things. so please elaborate."

heeseung lets himself in before closing the door behind him and leaning up against it. "i just got a call from a stranger. said stranger happened to have found my phone number written on a bowling ball. know anything about this?"

at the question, riki freezes for a moment. then, the tiniest hint of a smirk ghosts over his lips. he quickly suppresses it, placing a finger to his chin in fake thought instead as he diverts eye contact. "hm, doesn't ring a bell," he lies.

heeseung rolls his eyes. "not cool, man. why would you write my number on a bowling ball so any creep could call me?!"

from heeseung's raised tone, riki steps back and crosses his arms, defensively. "yah! as your best friend, i'm doing you a favor! you refuse to go on blind dates i try to set you up on and you won't join any dating apps. what else am i supposed to do?"

"oh, i don't know, how about nothing?!" heeseung throws his arms out in exasperation. this time, he too notices a strange look from a mother and son walking by the desk. he quickly composes himself before he adds in a lowered voice, "if i wanted to date someone, i would, riki. now i need to change my number."

riki sighs dramatically. "dude. i've seen how depressed you look third-wheeling me and sunoo all the time. i'm doing you a solid."

truth be told, lee heeseung hasn't really had...great experience in the dating department. sure, he's a had a couple girlfriends before. but then he realized he was gay. and then he had one boyfriend, but said boyfriend cheated on him. and then heeseung realized people suck and you can't trust anybody but yourself.

riki has been dating his current boyfriend kim sunoo for almost a year now. in fact, they met each other only a month after heeseung broke up with his ex-boyfriend. as heeseung's best friend since elementary school, despite their two year age difference, he can read the latter like a book. he knows heeseung wants to date again, but he's scared. obviously, riki has to be the perfect wingman he was meant to be.

heeseung runs his fingers through his disheveled hair. "ugh, whatever, riki. but if the next call i get is from a horny old man, you're dead."

the taller chuckles. "well, who was this call from? did he sound hot?"

heeseung cringes. "ew, no. it was some random guy that i definitely don't need to remember."

at this, riki perks up. "wait, so not an old man? oh my god, this is good! did he sound young? what's his name?"

who fucking cares, is what heeseung wants to say. then he takes a better look at the excitement in riki's eyes and he remembers that all riki wants for him is to be happy. heeseung's weak little heart decides to give in for riki's sake. "his name was jake or something. sounded young enough, i don't know."

riki slaps his hands to his cheeks, jaw dropped. "no fucking way i summoned your future boyfriend. i'm actually incredible. maybe he goes to our uni!"

heeseung and riki did work at the bowling alley a block away from their maybe he was right. the thought suddenly drains the color from heeseung's face. what if that jake dude does go to their school? what if he's still here in the bowling alley? but wait, heeseung doesn't know what jake looks like and vice versa, so it's fine, right?

just this morning, the most stressful thing on heeseung's mind was what shirt to put on. now, it's worrying about a stranger named jake who found his number on a bowling ball at his workplace.

heeseung needs to quit his job.

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