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"hello, jake."

"oh my gosh, my heart just did a thing."

"chill, all i did was say hello. i knew it would be you, anyways."

"and yet you could have just not answered. i love how i'm growing on you, seungie. it's only a matter of time before we're married with two kids and dog."

"you're so weird."

"only for you."


"so, since it's sunday, does that mean you don't have work?"

"i don't work sundays and tuesdays."

"the fact that you just told me that information without hesitation makes me feel so powerful. just me breaking down your walls one icebreaker at a time."

"well excuse me for not wanting to open up to a complete stranger about my life right away."

"does this mean you don't consider me a complete stranger anymore? am i finally not a creep?"

"...i guess."

"my heart just did another thing."

"you should get that checked out."

"what are you doing on your day off, seungie?"

"until you called, i've been spending the day at my friend's place."

"ooh, is it riki? i like him already."

"i'm at his apartment. he shares it with his boyfriend."

"awe, how cute. someday we could have our own apartment, seungie. i'm counting down the days until i can get my leech of a roommate off my back....i heard that, jake!....i'm kidding!"

"...are you with someone right now?"

"oh, it's just my roommate, jungwon. unfortunately, he's also my younger step-brother, so i'm stuck with him for life. love the kid, though."

"oh, i see."

"don't be jealous, seungie, my love for him is much different than my love for you."

"you can't go five seconds without flirting, can you?"

"i can't help it! i don't even know what you look like and you already got me hooked, seungie."

"i gotta go. riki and his boyfriend are coming up the elevator."

"tell them i say hello! talk to you tomorrow, my love."

"u-uhm..sure. bye."

"ha! i can hear your blush through the phone."

"bye, jake."

"too cute."



"why is heeseung the color of a tomato?" the voice of kim sunoo asks on account of his and riki's impeccable timing; heeseung had just ended his call with jake at the same time they entered their flat.

riki smirks knowingly, carelessly tossing the apartment keys onto the nearby kitchen counter. "i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he just got off the phone."

sunoo shoots his boyfriend a puzzled look. heeseung shoots sunoo's boyfriend an i'm-gonna-murder-you look.

"don't listen to him, sunoo, it was nothing," heeseung explains through gritted teeth. he gets up begrudgingly to join them over in the kitchen. much to his dismay, sunoo wears a dissatisfied expression. when kim sunoo isn't up to date with the latest gossip, he's bound to find out one way or another.


heeseung sighs, but before he can even get a word out, riki does so for him. "heeseung's got a big fat crush on a guy he's never met before."

that's not how heeseung would have explained it.

sunoo turns his body toward heeseung incredulously. "you have a crush?! and you're actually gonna pursue it?"

"woah, woah, hold on!" heeseung interrupts, throwing his hands up. "what your idiot boyfriend meant to say was that he wrote my number on a bowling ball and some guy from our university called it and hasn't stopped calling me for the past five days."

riki coos. "awe, he's been counting!"

while riki receives an eye roll from heeseung, sunoo processes the situation in his head. "so you have a crush on this guy and you've been talking for almost a week? and i'm just now finding out about this?!"

this time, sunoo spins around to face his taller boyfriend with an irritated pout on his lips. riki kisses it away with a guilty smile. "sorry, babe, i've just been too invested as cupid! i promise to keep you in the loop from now on."

"gross, if this is what jake wants to come out of these phone calls, count me out," heeseung exclaims to himself, just loud enough for his friends to hear. "and for your information, i do not have a crush on this guy. i hardly know him. now if you'll excuse me, i have to go wash my eyes out with bleach."

with that, heeseung takes off into the bathroom, leaving the other two even more convinced that heeseung just may eat his own words by the end of this.

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