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"seungie! god, i've missed your voice."

"not that it's any of my business, but it's been three days. is everything okay?"

"i promise it was never my intention to ghost you like that! i'm honestly so relieved you even answered. i had a...bit of a situation, i guess? it was my ex-boyfriend. it's a long story."

"well, it's sunday and i'm not working. i'm all ears. it's the least you can do after ghosting me, right?"

"i know you're being your cute and charmingly funny little self, but it's honestly hard for me to talk about. every time he tries to come back into my life, i kinda lose my shit and go awol. hence the lack of our calls."

"you mean, he's tried to come back into your life more than once?"

"well, this is only the second time actually. our breakup is...somewhat fresh? i don't know, i don't really think it is. does five months count as fresh?"

"uh, i don't think so."

"hm. maybe it just feels that way sometimes because he won't leave me the hell alone."

"are you okay? he isn't...hurting you? or threatening you? sorry, i don't mean to pry."

"no, no, it's okay. i like when you worry about me. he doesn't hurt me or anything like that. he just...it's the second time now he's come banging on my door at an ungodly hour drunk and begging me to take him back. fun, right?"

"god, that sounds awful. have you called the police on him?"

"well, i never let him in or opened the door, for that matter. he's just yelled some pretty...fucked up things through the door. i'm sure all my neighbors heard it, too. i try not to let what he says get to me because i know none of it is true, but i'm weak. and then i let it get to my head and i wither away in my bedsheets for three days until jungwon snaps me out of it and here we are."


"shit, i'm sorry. talk about a trauma dump. you totally did not ask for that."

"it's okay, jake. thanks for opening up to me."

"thanks for letting me, seungie. hopefully it won't happen again. he's a sicko who needs to move on. luckily he's the only crazy ex-boyfriend i've had. the others were only...mildly crazy. how about you? any interesting stories in the ex-lover department?"

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