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"thoughts on the show vincenzo?"


"don't tell me you've never watched only the greatest k-drama of all time. i mean, it literally combines like every genre into one. it's genius. the author could rant on about it for hours."

"author? wh—wait, what's it called?"

"vincenzo. korean-italian mafia boss? song joongki?"

"the guy from descendants of the sun?"

"dude. you've seen that but not this?! suddenly i just got an idea for our first date."

"you're very persistent."

"what can i say? i'm a man who doesn't easily give up."

"despite this being our usual call time, i actually am a bit busy right now. can we talk later?"

"may i ask what is keeping my seungie so busy?"

"i have an annoyingly long essay to complete for my english class. i couldn't finish it all yesterday. i called out of work to get it done."

"english? as in the most complicated and confusing language in the world?"

"that's the one."

"that's rough. as someone who speaks english as a first language, i admire you for wanting to learn it at all."

"wait, you're fluent in english?"

"yep. i'm from australia. technically i was born here, but i only moved back to korea two years ago, so my korean is definitely not as good as my english."

"wow, i wouldn't have guessed that."

"i mean...if you ever needed someone to practice speaking with, i'm always here."

"...thanks, jake."

"you're welcome, mate."

"you...you have a c-cool accent."

"once again, i hear the blushing in your words. i know, i know, my beautiful accent just has that affect on people."

"pftt, yeah right. ego, much?"

"i'm sorry, i'm taking up your time, aren't i?"

"well...if you have a second to help me translate this sentence, i wouldn't be opposed."

"more time to spend with seungie? count me in. what's the sentence?"

"well, it's..."



"knock, knock."

"you don't need to knock and say the word knock at the same time, riki."

heeseung's bedroom door opens, his best friend on the other end of it. the two live in the same apartment complex, and even though they live on different floors, riki has the spare key to heeseung's room. in fact, it's a pretty regular occurrence for him to come and check up on his night owl of a best friend to make sure he isn't studying his life away.

ever since heeseung had collapsed one winter day of second year from pulling two all nighters in a row during exam week, riki has lost trust in his ability to not do so again. heeseung tends to get carried away and doing so conflicts with his health. riki, like the perfect best friend he is, likes to stop by around midnight to check on him. he may not admit to it, but heeseung appreciates it.

"can't your essay wait until morning? that class isn't even until one in the afternoon," riki explains, leaning against the door frame.

heeseung closes his laptop. he stretches his arms out above his head before standing from his desk. "i actually finished it hours ago. got some help with the last of the translations," he responds, trudging over to his closet to grab a pair of fresh sleepwear.

riki is rendered speechless and incredibly surprised. heeseung may be acting like it's no big deal, but to have not only finished something before 3am, let alone ask for help on an assignment, is something riki never would expected to see the day of.

"you asked for help on an assignment? who are you and what have you done with ethan lee?"

heeseung scoffs at the usage of his english name as he pulls his pajama shirt over his head. "stop being dramatic, it was only a little help."


"...from jake."

riki's wide eyes stare directly at heeseung's, which seem very relaxed in comparison. he's trying extremely hard to not make asking jake for help a big deal, but even heeseung can admit that this whole situation is very out of his control-freak comfort zone. he's a perfectionist that works best alone. even he can't explain why he actually let his guard down and allowed jake to assist him.

riki does a double take. "bowling ball boy helped you with your essay? am i hearing this correctly?" heeseung rolls his eyes, heading into the bathroom to brush his teeth. riki follows behind him. "how has a person you've never even met been able to break down some of your walls within a fucking week?!"

"he didn't break down any walls," heeseung fires back, squirting some mint-flavored toothpaste onto his toothbrush. "he's from australia, so english is his first language. may as well take advantage of the resource."

heeseung shrugs as he begins brushing his teeth. riki still can't seem to fathom everything he's hearing. this jake dude must have some magical powers because the fact that his best friend is getting ready for bed before the ass crack of dawn is a miracle.

if heeseung doesn't meet bowling ball boy soon, riki might just need to take matters into his own hands.

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