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"hey, seungie, it's jake. i tried calling but it went to voicemail. i understand why. it's only been a day and i'm sure everything is still super fresh. call me when you get the chance, though, i'd love to talk about everything. okay...bye."

"hey, seungie. you didn't call back yesterday. i really hope everything is okay. if you're upset, i get it. if i'm being too annoying and persistent...i also get it. sorry. just call me whenever is best for you."

"please talk to me, seungie. whether you like it or not, sunghoon hurt both of us. can we get through this together?"


"h-hello? oh my gosh...seungie?"

"hey, jake. can we meet up? in person?"

" this an inappropriate time to start fangirling?"

"i'm sorry i've ghosted you. you're right. we should get through this together. i wanna meet up. when are you free?"

"holy shit, this is happening. right, okay, uhm...honestly today works. i'm off work at–"

"five, right? i'll be there at five then."

"wait, how did you kn–"



as promised, heeseung found himself outside the bowling alley only five minutes before five p.m. on a tuesday evening, his day off. reality was slowly seeping in as heeseung realizes what this means.

jake and i are actually meeting.

the fact that they're meeting for a deep conversation is clouded over by sudden jitters heeseung feels bubbling up in his stomach. whether he likes it or not, jake has wormed himself into his life, and heeseung could honestly say he can find himself exploring deeper feelings for the guy.

he starts to fiddle with the hem of his shirt that he hopes isn't too wrinkly looking. would jake like his hair color? what if this conversation blows up in his face and they never talk again? what if–

but suddenly someone calls his name.


heeseung's heart skips a beat as he turns to the sound of his name. it's said so quickly and so carefully, he can't place the voice. if it wasn't for the nickname, heeseung could have missed it.

as his gaze lands on the stranger who stands before him, there's a split second of confusion before his eyes widen in realization — this must be jake.

jake has his hands in his hoodie pocket and a tentative smile tugging at his lips. his eyes reflect a mix curiosity and incredulity. heeseung can't help but notice the way jake's raven-colored hair effortlessly falls over his forehead, the slight nervousness in his stance mirroring his own.

for a moment, they simply stand there, taking each other in, two people that have created a special bond, yet have never seen each other face-to-face.

"seungie?" jake breathes out again.

heeseung forgets why they're meeting for a second. he forgets that they share a crazy ex-boyfriend that they just found out about. he forgets that his feelings have been all over the place because of that newfound information. he forgets how nervous and hesitant he's been about meeting jake in person.

he forgets all of it because all that matters is jake is here right now in front of him.

"hi, jake," heeseung says at last, a small smile following his words.

jake steps closer and heeseung sees his fingers twitch, as if he was about to reach out and make sure none of this was a hallucination. god, they probably look so ridiculous right now. heeseung can only imagine what passerby's are thinking because he's too focused on jake.

"i'm gonna be honest," jake starts, "i was hoping our first time meeting would be under different circumstances."

the two let out an airy laugh, one that eases the tension from the air. suddenly, jake's voice blends in with his features and heeseung swears it's like he's known him forever.

"do you want to find a place to talk?" heeseung suggests.

jake bites his lip and his eyes flit over to the bowling lanes to their left. he lets a smirk ghost his lips. "how about a game first?"

heeseung's slightly taken aback, but for some reason, he hums in agreement. "okay."

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