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I see the world in full colour. 

I need only speak to someone once to know their soul's entire journey. 

It is a rare gift, but it is mine.

It's the one thing I have that nobody else does.

My colours tell me who's good and who's bad, who is safe and who is not.

My colours tell me that Father is not a terrible dragon, just tired and broken and homesick.

My colours tell me that Mother is not perfect, but she is in Father's eyes.

My colours tell me that Darkstalker will go bad one day, but that day is far, far in the future.

My colours tell me that Clearsight is good, and she will stay good for all eternity.

My colours tell me that Thoughtful is good, too, and I will be happy so long as I stay near him.

My colours tell me that the anxious green SeaWing is aching now, but his grey clouds will part for him someday.

My colours tell me that the fierce purple SeaWing is filled with longing for the green one, and they will be happy one day.

My colours tell me I am perfect the way I am, and need never change.

My colours tell me everything I know.

And they're mine.

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