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Indigo is Fathom's girlfriend. Someday. For now she is only a crush. A best friend. She says she's his bodyguard, but I know that isn't true.

I see the way his clouds clear with her, even if I've only seen it once or twice.

I see how the sun comes out in his head, the way Indigo thinks the moons and stars are brighter when he's there.

Her soul is like an amethyst set in gold.

All shades of purple, overlapping and glittering, edged with sparkly quartz-white. Flecked with pale, pale, pale gold. She's beautiful.

I don't know why Darkstalker hates her so.

They'll be perfect, one day.

They'll hurt together, and he'll cry, and she'll rage, but they will be perfect.

As long as she doesn't die.

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