The Rogue Pack

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Summary = "Stiles! where are you?"
Stiles was just chillin on his bed and was about to close his eyes when his phone rings. He picks it up and sees Scott's name on the screen, sitting up he answers “Hey Scotty boy”

he could hear Scott’s frantic panting and the sound of him running in the background “Stiles! Where are you” he questions while being out of breath

Stiles swings his legs over the side of the bed “Uh I'm at home right now Scott is everything ok”

Scott sounds just like he did before the wolfie powers and when he had his asthma and that makes Stiles start to change clothes and struggle with his shoes “Just stay where you are, I'm coming to you right no- WHAT WAS THAT BANG ARE YOU OK?!”

Stiles finishes and grabs his phone, leaving his room, heading to the stairs to go to the living room “I’m ok Scotty but are you what's going on, what's happening, is it a new big bad supernatural?”

The phone suddenly hangs up and Stiles looks at his phone and panics a little grabbing his medical bag, even though they’re werewolves you never know if they need their medical stuff, and reaches for the front door when it suddenly flies open by no one other than Scott, who walks in and searches the place.

Stiles watches him and tries to get him to stop “Dude what is going on, no one is here but me”

Scott comes back to the lounge room and closes the door shaking his head and slowly calms down “You never know and to answer your question from before, we have a new pack in town who are calling themselves the Rogue pack and they're trying to challenge Derek for the land and Luna”

stiles looks at him, mouth slightly open “ok that is serious, so what do we do, does Derek or Deaton or Argent have a plan”

Scott looks at him “Yes they do and I'm staying here with you, also Isaac, Lydia, and Kira will be coming soon, uh Derek took Boyd, Jackson, and Peter with him to arrange something with the other alpha and he told me, by all means necessary, we have to keep you in your house, cause he knew you'd want to go with him”

Stiles pulls a pouting face after Scott's words “But Scotty I'm the Luna I'm supposed to be with the alpha to meet with other alphas it's part of the rules or so I've heard and read”

Scott shakes his head “Sorry man I'm just doing what the alpha says and he says to wait for the others then lock the house down and keep you inside”

stiles sighs knowing he can't fight a command from his mate and alpha but still gets an escape plan going “ok I'll stay here with the four of you until Derek gets back”

Scott shakes his head and with a pleading look, he says “Dude please don't fight me on thi-” he stops and looks at Stiles with a look of confusion “Wait what? That's it? You're not gonna fight me on this?”

Seeing Scott's face stiles mentally laughs then puts his hands up “Dude I'm being serious, I'll stay here where it's safe”

Scott processes his words and then says “I feel like there's a but coming”

Stiles shakes his head “No buts, but mine sitting on my couch”

Scott goes to say something when there's a knock on the door and faded voices. “Is that the others?”

Scott shakes his head and pushes Stiles to the kitchen and tells him to stay hidden before going and checking on the door. Stiles makes sure he has a view of the lounge room but when he sees Scott being tackled down, he flinches and hides when growls, snarls, and fighting starts.

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