purrfect family reunion ruined by a witch

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It was a Saturday and the pack was sitting and watching Star Wars courtesy of the pack spark, Stiles was currently curled up between Scott and Boyd with Isaac on scotts other side and Erica on Boyd’s other side, while both Hale men were talking in the kitchen when Chris and Noah pull the loft door open and helps an injured Jackson inside, stiles stands and rushes off to grab the first aid kit while the hales coming in from the kitchen

“What the hell happened” Derek looks at the two grown men with an angry look on his face

Chris looks at him “I found Jackson when he was patrolling and decided to walk with him when we bumped into the sheriff” Chris turns his gaze to Jackson when Stiles comes back and cleans the wounds

Jackson protests but stops when Stiles glares so he turns to Derek “A witch attacked us”

Derek growls at the mention of a witch near his pack but he stops when he hears Stiles mumble ‘god you remind me of Dean’ Derek just looks at Stiles who walks away putting the first aid kit back. After Stiles comes back downstairs and Jackson healed up the pack gathers around the table, derek looks up at his pack “ok from what Jackson and Chris have said the witch appeared around Jackson's patrol trail so we split into three teams, Chris, Allison, Boyd, aiden, Hayden and erica take the left side of the trail, Scott, Isaac, malia, Ethan, Corey, and Lydia take the right side, myself, peter, stiles, josh, and Theo will take the centre now the rest of you stay here am I clear” a bunch of yes alphas rang out before everyone splits off to get ready apart from stiles who looks a bit sluggish.

Derek quickly pulls Stiles aside “Are you ok, do you want to come or do you want to stay here with the others”

Stiles shakes his head “No I should be fine, just haven't been sleeping well, someone I haven't heard from in a long time is coming into town sometime this week and Dad and I have been preparing the house for his arrival”

Derek holds him close, scentingly marking him and comforting him before kissing his head and walking him to the others “Is everyone ready” They all nod before leaving in their groups. After a while, Derek’s group look around the forest while also keeping a circle around their spark with Theo and Peter close to the back and Josh and Derek to the front with Stiles in the middle

Stiles rubs his arm trying to warm up a bit “Is anyone else suddenly getting cold, oh wait a minute, you’re wolves you naturally run hot” The rest of the group shake their heads chucking and also saying no before Derek puts his jacket on stiles helping him warm up “sorry it's just suddenly gotten really co-”

Before Stiles could finish a roar sounds out making the wolves perk up, stiles turns and looks at Derek and the others “Who was it”

Derek turns to Stiles knowing the others can hear it Scott “Scotts either found something or is in trouble we need to go quick” The rest of the group run off and Derek takes his clothes off handing them to Stiles, who is very much looking him up and down, and shifts into his full shift and looks to stiles waiting for him to get on. Stiles gets on Derek's back and both make it to the others very quickly.

All three groups are now together and the witch is looking at all of them when Derek shifts back after Stiles gets off and walks forward to speak with her after putting sweats on, and Stiles stays with Scott, Isaac, and Liam. The witch looks Derek up and down making Stiles let out an angry huff and a tiny growl

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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