Camping - Pablo Gavi

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"How big is the largest water bottle you own?" I asked my boyfriend over the phone.

"Wait let me check." I heard from the other side. And some steps.

"It's 1,5 liter." He announced.

"Take that one."




I will be there in a minute



My doorbell rang and I ran to the door. As expected once I opened, my eyes met with the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen.

His smile so wide I couldn't hold back mine either. I immediately hugged him. He laughed and caressed my hair.

"Ready?" He asked as we pulled away.

"Yes, let's go." I answered and took my backpack.

It's heavy like really heavy but I can handle it.

We started walking downstairs the apartment building I live in.


"Nooo!" He screamed.

"Yessss!" I laughed. A song from Dua Lipa - Dance the night, started playing. He's now kind of allergic to anything that has something to do with the Barbie movie. It's like everywhere and to be honest, I'm also kinda sick of it, but I like this song sooo.....

He can't do anything about it we will listen to this song.

We are now on our way to the place we're gonna be staying at.


"Wake up..." I slowly opened my eyes as I felt a hand on my cheek stroking it slowly.

I sat up.

"Good morning amor, I'm sorry for waking you up but we are here..."

"Already?" I sat up. From the window I saw three's. All the possible shades of green around me. We're in forest.

I slowly got out of the car, since I was still a bit sleepy. I breathed in the fresh forest air.
You know that smell of wood and nature.

I smiled at  the familiar feeling of hands wrapping around my waist. Two strong and warm hands.

Pablo has really warm hands, but I on the other half have really cold hands. And I don't really ever realise this till Pablo takes my hand in his and I feel the warmth.

Oh god those butterflyes.

"Mmmmm." I hummed. I felt him smile and smiled too. Just the thought of him makes me really happy.

He let go of me and took my hand.

"Let's go build our tent." He said with excitement written all over his face.

Hi, I know this was really short but I had it in drafts for a really long time and I just didn't know how to continue, so here is a little shorter one <3

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