Reunite - Jude Bellingham

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Little backstory to this imagine...
You haven't seen Jude since you and him met at the world cup. You were there supporting your brother (you can choose anyone from the england squad).
You were 16 back then, and he was 18. Nothing happened between you two but you both liked each other, not just in a friendly way.

Jude has never forget you since then when ever y'all had the chance to see each other you would. You know like some friendly matches and stuff. But lately, the past 2 years you were not on good terms with your brother so you didn't come. Which made Jude ask your brother all the time about you, without success.

You wanted to get away from the problems
so you excepted the job at the Real Madrid social media team. Without realizing Jude just joined Real.

Hi guys just wanna ask if I made this into a whole new book you'd you read it? Pleas let me know.
Love y'all<3

I was walking to the training pitch entrance with my camera. I can't even believe what I just saw. Coming right into the locker room, Jude, Jude Bellingham. Oh my god. I-I can't even think straight. How did I not know he plays for Real Madrid?

Ok well now I'm thinking about it let's surprise him. If it fails I'll just pretend I'm not... Whatever.

Once I got outside I set my camera on a tripod. And put hood of my hoodie over my head. Even tho I'm pretty sure it's like 35°C.
Wich is just anoyngly hot.

I just stood there looking at my phone screen, pretending like I'm doing something serious until someone taped on my shoulder.

„Hey! Ummm... You'r new right?" Jude.
I didn't move just giggled silently.

„Mate you ok?" he stood in front of me now.

„" I tried my hardest not to laugh.

„I'm Jude and you are?" I can tell he's slightly irritated by my behavior.

„You tell me..." I took my hood of and looked up at him. He's taller so how else could I look into those beautiful brown eyes?

Those eyes were now wide open still a slightly irritated expression across his face. Suddenly his gaze softened.


We were just staring at eatchother. He open his arms for me and I didn't hesitate for a second. I jumped into his arms. He chuckled.

„I missed you sow much..." he muttered into my neck.

„I missed you too Judy..." we stood there just hugging. When we pulled away Jude looked me up and down.

„You are 19 now aren't you?" I nodded as a yes and smirked.

„You are a really pretty girl miss Y/l/n." he said making me look him in the eyes I could swear he looks nervous.

„You aren't bad your self mister Bellingham." I stated. He smiled even wider.

I'm so happy I can't explain it. Jude and I were really good friends back in Qatar and even later on. And I'm really looking forward to spend time with him again.

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