Bad day - Jamal Musiala

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It's Monday. Yey. Ironic I know but I'm too tired to be happy and positive.

Since it's monday I had once again too much thinks to do and finish. It's really exhausting.

I also don't feel good. Just kind sick.

As I'm walking home I got a text message for my boyfriend.



🦌❤️: Hey my training just ended, can I pick you up? Movie night at mine?

Me: Hi actually can you come to mine?

🦌❤️: Is everything alright?

Me: Ye just a bit tired

🦌❤️: Ok I'll be there in 10

Me: thank you❤️

🦌❤️: don't thank me baby see ya❤️


I got home and took of my make up immediately, brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun. After that was done I changed into some sweat pants and a matching hoodie.


If you don't like it you are free to imagine anything else.)

Then I just lied down on my sofa. I think I would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the door bell ring.

I got up and walked towards the front door of my apartment.

Once I opened I had to smile at the sight of my boyfriend. He smiled even wider than me and hugged me.

"Hello my love." He whispered into my ear.

I huger him even tighter.

"Hi." Is the only think I could say. I'm tired and exhausted. But even more important, Jamal is so warm and comfortable, I just wanna hug and not think about anything.

"I knew something was wrong." He stroked my back.

"Let's sit down ok?" I nodded and we walked towards my sofa.

He sat down after putting his bag on the floor. He then pulled me to sit on his lap.
Looking into his eyes I saw worry. He took my hand in his.

"So what's going on baby?" He asked. His voice concerned but soft. His thumb drawing absent mindedly circles on my hand.

"Bad day I guess. I'm tired and don't feel well." I said after a short silence.

He hugged me. I buryed my face in the crook of his neck. He pulled my tight into his embrace.

"It's ok, I'm here." He whispered stroking my hair.

"Let's just lay down and chill ok?" He said softly.

I nodded.

He lifted me up and walked into my bedroom. Slowly letting me down on my bed. Then he put a blanket over me. And stroked my cheek. I closed my eyes.

He then walked to the other side of the bed and I felt the matrace sink a bit.

Then two strong hands slowly pulled me into his warm chest.

"Everyone has bad days don't worry it's gonna be good... I love you Y/n..." He spoke silently almost whispering. Then he kissed my forehead, pulling me even closer to his body.

Causing me to melt under his touch.

"I love you too Jamal..."

And with that I slowly drifted into the dreamland...

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