Cramps - Jude Bellingham

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I was lying in my bed. Feeling the stinging pain of period cramps.

It's my second day which I feel like is always the day that the worst starts. At this point I'm just in my bed trying not to think about the cramps.

It hurts so bad. I couldn't even focus on the movie I wanted to watch to distract myself.
Yes, it didn't work and I feel even worse.

My mom was trying to help me but it didn't do much altho I appreciate it. She gave me some hot tea. It's some herbal tea to help with the pain.

I got a lot of texts even calls but I just can't pick up since I think I won't be able to act like I'm ok, which is usually not a problem for me.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said in an almost a whisper. I guess it's mom.

Since my back is facing the door I can't see who came in. Altho after the first think the person said made it clear.

"Hello darling." Jude. I heard him close the door behind him.

"Hi." I said as a flash of pain came through.

I shut my eyes closed trying to relive the pain.

I heard Jude's steps getting closer to my bed. Then the bed behind me sinked a bit down, caused by Jude sitting down next to me.

He lovingly stroked my hair and kissed me cheek. Then he hugged me from behind.

I turned around to hug him. I finally saw his face. He had a worried expresion, his eyes searching for any sight of relief in my own.

I gave him a faint smile and laid my head on his chest. That made him release a bit of the tention from his body. He kissed my head and slowly stroked my back, I could sense he's hurt by seeing me like this which made me feel a bit guilty I'm not gonna lie.

I feel anxious when ever I make someone feel worried or just genuely concerned.

"I brought you some snacks if you want, I thought it would cheer you up." He said.

I smiled into his chest. Then looked up at him. His worried expresion changed when he saw my smile. I watched his lips curl up into a smile.

He got slowly up and I sat up.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked me with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Yeah, which one?" I nodded happily.

"Maybe one of your favourite movies?"


"Here. I wasn't sure what flavour of popcorn to take so I got these 3. I know you like them but you know, which one are you feeling." He showed me 3 packages of popcorn each with a different flavour. There is salty, cheese and caramel. I love popcorn, I prefer it over chips unlike most of people.

I really do love them all, and I appreciate Jude sow much, not only for bringing it to me, but tha fact he rememberes is just so sweet.

"Awww... Jude." I stood up and hugged him. Oh I love this. His calming, warm hugs.

"I love you." He whispered into my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back smiling.

Some time later we were sitting on my bed watching the movie on my laptop. No I'm not one of those super rich kids with TV in their room.

We are watching Beauty and the beast. I and Jude like this movie, because it reminds us of ourselves.

Belle - advantures, brave, loyal, kind

Beast - warm hearted, fighter, loyal, wild

It kind of describes us. I think you might have guessed who is who.

I looked up at Jude who was cuddling me.

He looked down at me and I could see a bit of confusion form in him eyes, altho he smiled.

"Everything alright Y/n?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you for caring for me." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Anything for you my love." He smiled and cupped my face with his hands. His lips brushed over mine and slowly but lovingly kissed me.

I kissed him back. When we parted we leaned our foreheads together. Both smiling enjoying the moment.

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