Hate you? - Pablo Gavi

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Pablo and I hate each other, simple hate, nothing more,at least you think that.

Growing up together and next to each other wasn't really great, your parents have known each other since they were children and you and Pablo grew up together.

But every time someone who wasn't him teased you, he would defend you to death. What you didn't know was that Pablo loved you more than anything behind the fake hate.

I'm now 18 and he's 19. We're sitting in his room. Our parents are downstairs talking about whatever. It looks like it might rain soon. Or a storm who knows.

Pablo is sitting by the window, playing with his ball leaning on the windowsill, glancing out from the window. The sky seemed dark and I could already hear the sound of thunder. He turned his face to me finding me sitting on the bed. He looked at me for a few seconds.

"Hmm?"I look up from my phone.

"Nothing." He replied, sighing softly, looking once more out from the window as I saw the light illuminating the clouds that indicated the presence of lightning. "It will storm."

"Oh..." I get up from the bed and walk to the window.

"Yeah... You're still scared of storms and lightning?" He asked, glancing at me as he continued playing with his ball.

"No..." I lie. I'm not a kid anymore. I can't admit I'm scared.

He chuckled, noticing the way I was looking out from the window, he could notice the nervousness in my body. "Sure you aren't.. after all you're an adult, right?"

A thunder echoes through the surroundings. I jumped slightly.

He chuckled as he saw me flinch slightly, he could clearly notice how nervous I was. "You're so bad at lying."

"Yeah what ever." I say annoyed.

Pablo chuckled again as, once more, lightning lit up the clouds. I stood up from my place and walked over to his bed and sat on it. "You really don't have to be scared you know? I'm here." He suddenly said.

"Another reason why to be scared." I replied sarcastically.

"Ouch, that was rude. I have always been protecting you, didn't I?" He said with a chuckle, he sat on the bed next to me.

"Ye, but then you'd hurt me yourself."
I was referring to how he was always bullying me with his "little pranks" and sometimes he hit me in an attempt to get me to shut up. And how he always made it clear he hates me. Even though I've never done anything for him to hate me in first place.

He stared at me in surprise, leaning back a little with a frown on his face, he clearly didn't understand what I was talking about at first. "I would never hurt you..." He said in a low voice and looked at me with furrowed brows.

"Oh really? Do you even know how many times I cried because you hate me?" He paused at those words and looked into my eyes. "Hate? Do you really think I hate you?"

"Ye." I said silently. Looking down on my hands.

He sighed at my response, not annoyed more like sad?
"You really don't know much then..." He muttered, sighing once more.

All I could hear were just the sounds of the thunder with the little rain drops hitting the window.


*I sat there for a few seconds before I looked at you.*

Yes? *I said quietly and tilting my head to the side out of confusion, it's not often I show you a genuine side of mine, not infront of you at least..*

Why did you always tell me you hate me?

"I..." He looked at me nervously, he ran a hand through his hair, it was quiet, all we could hear was the sound of the rain outside. He finally let his hand fall, glancing at me with a soft look.

"I don't hate you.. in fact, the truth is, I kinda like you I always have." He confessed quietly, looking away immediately.

My heart skipped a beat. "Really?" I almost whispered.

I could see his cheeks heat up a little as he nodded, playing with the sleeves of his hoodie, a habit of his...

"Yes, really." He whispered and glanced at me with those puppy eyes and a small smile.

"I uhh..." I shutter.

"I know it's surprising to hear."

He pauses and looks down at my hands, gulping slightly, my heart was beating fast and I couldn't really stop.

"A bit?"

"Okay. Very surprising?" He corrected himself, sighing softly as he continued playing with the sleeves of his hoodie again. Which made me kind of nervous.

"Stop that." I take his hand to stop him from destroying his hoodie.


He stared down at our hands, my heart rate increased as I looked at our hands as well.

"Oh, r-right... Sorry. I-Is there any chance you don't entirely hate me?" He whispered quietly.

"I've never hated you... You just always made me sad so I thought it's better to stay away from you."

I felt his thumb gently stroke my hand, feeling a strange warm feeling inside.

"You're too kind you know?" He said sheepishly.

That made me blush.

He seemed to notice the blush that appeared on my cheeks, a small smile forming on his lips.

"You're so cute." He whispered. Making me blush even more.

"Shut up." I giggle and open my arms for him to hug me. He immediately got the signal and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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