2- Second chance.

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He got up from bed to go out as I felt something moving in my bump.

Something like sucking me inside and suddenly a nauseated feeling appeared.

I breathed heavily as I didn't know what's going on with me and within the next minute I puked but it wasn't normal vomit.

I looked at my hands which were on my mouth while vomiting.

They were covered in blood.

"A blood vomit." Lucas, who was looking at me standing in front of me immediately gave me tissue and ran outside with the speed of light.

That means Lucas is a vampire too? He's running exactly like Jungkook.

A vampire almost killed me and another one saved me?

Who am I?

What if Lucas also wants my blood?

My mind was just filled with a lot of questions that have no answers.

I wiped the blood from my lips.

The blood was all over my hands, chest and even on my clothes but one thing that I don't understand is why am I vomiting blood?

And how is blood even present inside me? Didn't Jungkook sucked all?

I sighed deeply as I was feeling dizzy all of sudden. My eyes shifted towards my bump which was huge.

I lifted up my shirt to look at my skin.

There were a lot of stretch marks on my belly with purple, dark blue veins all over.

I traced my fingers against my bump to caress it but as I moved my hand.

The baby inside kicked me so hard that I couldn't help but let out a scream with a lot more blood, covered all over my face.

The door of the room opens wide. A lady with short blonde hair came inside running at human speed with Lucas.

Maybe she's human?

Lucas came and bit on his wrist.

My eyes widened.

What is he doing?

Why is he biting himself? Blood started dripping from his wrist.

He placed his dripping wrist in front of me and almost shouted

"Drink." I looked at the wrist and then at him."But why?" How can I drink blood from someone's wrist? I'm not a vampire. "Drink or you'll die." He snapped.

I looked at him once again getting ready to deny his order.

She nodded.

But he pushed his wrist on my lips,his blood mixed with my blood.

Some of it went inside of my mouth. It's tasty... He sat beside me and held my few left hairs in his other hand while pushing my head to drink his blood more.

My eyes rested on his face as I started drinking his blood. As the blood was going inside me. I was feeling like the baby inside me was calming down.

Like the baby got what it actually wants. "The blood."

The other lady who came inside with him held my hand and inserted the needle inside me attached to a drip half filled with blood.Lucas's blood?

I moved my head away as I was shortening on oxygen. Lucas moved his hands away from me too.

I breathed heavily as my gaze shifted towards his wrist which was bleeding a few minutes ago but now it's completely gone.

No teeth mark, No dripping blood.

Reincarnating Immortal Lies (2) JJK ✅Where stories live. Discover now