11- Surprise motherfuckers

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Jungkook's POV:

She's lying to me on my face just like I did with her that night but that she wasn't aware of the future but tonight I'm aware of everything. My heart is in pain. I puked blood thrice in twenty-four hours. I don't know what's happening with me. She went to her room so I made my way to the basement. I should meet my mother for the one last time.

Also I can not just sit and watch everything even after knowing. Tonight it's either the life of my loves or the life of my enemies. I'll be happy if my death makes them live peacefully. Opening the door of mom's room. I entered inside. Mom loves old fashioned things that I designed her room the exact whay dad designed for her. "Mother." I said but no one was inside. I panicked. "Mother?" I panicked. "Here." A little voice entered my ears from behind the bed.

"What are you doing there?" I asked her. She stood up, showing me the ring dad gave her. "This fell behind." I smiled. "You frightened me." I said as she smiled. "So how are things?" She asked me. She sat on the bed and I sat beside her. "I know what I'm going to do tonight. I just can't let everything ruin like this." I said, placing my head in her lap. My comfort place.

She ran a hand through my hair just as she has done since my childhood. "Mother, I love you." I said to her, tearing up in her lap. I know this is my last time meeting my mother. She won't be able to find her son anymore. "I'm sorry, mother." I said, crying. "It's okay. Don't be sad. You are doing right. Everything will be fine after tonight." I couldn't understand what she said but I hummed. One thing that I also know is that everything will be fine after tonight. "What's your plan?" She asked me.

I got up. She could see tears in my eyes but I wiped them clearly. "I just need your help." I said. She caressed my chin. "Anything for my son." She said, tearing up. "I just want you to cast a spell on yn and Luna so David couldn't hurt them for the next few hours. After that everything will be fine and also I want you to unlink you with David." I know it's not possible but it is if I give her something related to David to her. David's blood.

"I will but you know naa." She said, "Yes, I know. I'm sorry for even that little pain but then everyone will be free forever. I promise, mother. I'll put an end to everything tonight." Hugging my mother for the last time. I burst out crying. I wish I could tell my mother that it's her last hug with me. We parted. "I've to go now." I said, sucking my every tear so that she won't see. As I was about to open the door. "Jungkook." She called my name. I didn't turn around or she'll see my crying face.

"Promise me, you'll come back alive to me." I hummed low, opened the door and ran from there to my room. Shutting the door of my room, I couldn't stop myself and burst out in tears. I did everything in my authority to protect everyone but I failed so badly. Now yn hate me, Luna will never know after tonight who his father was, my mother will never meet her son again but one person will be happy. Y/n will be happy and she has every right to be happy after tonight. She endured enough.

That night I said every harsh words to her keeping stone of my heart so that she won't come back and she'll be safe away from me but that mother fucker David compelled Kaira and instead of telling Y/n the reality. Kaira provoked her.

I wiped my tears away.

"Should we go?" Said y/n.

"Yeah." I replied with a smile. A fake smile but I'm happy for her. Finally every trauma in her life will end. Who needs a child like me? No one so it's better to end my own life to save everyone's.


Y/N's POV:

Walking in front of the cool breeze. Cold wind hitting both of us. "So how are you feeling now?" I asked him." A little weak." He replied. Well that's how you feel when you are not immortal.

"Hmm." I hummed. "I've something to ask you." Said Jungkook. I don't why but his voice sounds a little warm.

"Yes,go ahead." I said. It's okay to pretend that I'm actually giving him a chance. Let them taste their own past.

"Always take care of you and Luna." He said.

"Even if no one is there with you." Yeah, I can take better care of my daughter.

Nice act of care!

"Yes, I will." I said. Enough for his miserable act. I looked at my watch. It just struck ten o'clock. David and Lucas must be waiting for me at the nearby area. "Let's walk this direction." I said. Jungkook smiled lightly and agreed.


Lucas and I decided on the place. After killing Jungkook. Lucas, Luna and I will live together. Just like a happy family.

I inhaled deeply, looking at the signal that Lucas was present there. He turned on the red light.

"Let's go." I said to Jungkook.

red light. "Let's go." I said to Jungkook. Why is he agreeing to my every order?

The mission starts now.

Jungkook and I both entered the bushes. Present at a little distance from the beach. Simply like a little Forest. This place is best to torture him. David and Lucas were at a distance from us.

"You know Jungkook, That night when you sucked me. I promised to myself that I'll take my revenge. That I'll make you way more suffer than you did to me and gladly I haven't changed my mind a bit." I said.

Lucas knew my code word. That right after saying this line. He'll attack him. Since he's mortal. Lucas will rip his heart out but I asked Lucas just to do enough that he just suffers here till morning because I want him to see himself burn under the sunlight. He had to feel the pain I felt that night. How every cell of my body was burning.

The next moment.

Lucas ran with the speed of light to pass his hand in between his chest but Jungkook's insights were as fast as I thought. As Lucas ran and made his heart pass through his chest. Jungkook stopped for a second. I could see Lucas's hand through his chest filled with blood. Jungkook tore his hand from his body and threw it on the ground. His fingers move lifelessly on the ground, covering themselves with soil.

The combination of soil and blood is not pleasing to the eyes. Eww.

Jungkook turned around and the next second his hand was inside Lucas's chest. Lucas's eyes widened. He wasn't believing his eyes. "You-" he just stuttered and Jungkook moved his hand in such an angle that Lucas screamed. It must have been hurting him inside. "Yo-you are still immortal." Stuttered Lucas. "Oops, Bye bye brother." Said Jungkook with swag.

The next moment, Jungkook pulled his heart out. Lucas's heart in Jungkook's hand while Lucas fell on the floor. Jungkook threw the heart on his face, wiping the blood with his pants.

One down. Two more to go.

I smirked devilishly.

They all will be the reason for their own deaths.

David saw everything with his eyes. That fucking back stabbing vampire. The next blow of air had me and Jungkook screaming. My plan went wrong. David came to us with the speed of light but not alone. He was grabbing Luna from her shirt's collar. "I knew it." He said. Luna was crying loudly. "Mama." I fell on my knees looking at my daughter saying her first word in the hands of that monster.

"David, Don't you dare to hurt her." Warned Jungkook but he wasn't going to listen to her. He tilted Luna's neck, and I screamed "NOOOOO." My daughter. David's fangs pointed out to suck my daughter's blood.

What happened next had me and Jungkook's jaw drop on the floor.

Blood all over.

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