Bucky and Mary made their way back to Brooklyn, New York.

Mary glanced at Bucky. "Are you ready?"

He shook his head. "No, but Sam was right."

"I'll be right outside."

Bucky nodded, then walked up to Yori's front door and knocked on the door.

Yori opened the door and asked, "Hey, what are you two doing here? It's late, come in before someone call the cops." Bucky entered and Yori closed the door behind him. "What are you doing here? It's not Wednesday."

Bucky replied, "I, uh, I have to tell you something. About your son." He sat, pulled off his glove to reveal his Vibranium hand. Yori sat as well. "He was murdered."


"By the Winter Soldier." His voice shook as he whispered, "And that was me."


Bucky inhaled before replying softly, "I didn't have a choice."

He left the apartment.

Mary walked up to Bucky and pulled him into her arms. "I'm proud of you, Buck."

She held him tightly as she listened to his soft cries. She pulled him closer and ran a hand through his hair.

After a moment, Bucky said, "Thank you, Mare."

Mary continued holding him and said softly, "You don't have to thank me."

The next day, after dropping off a gift bag and card for Dr. Raynor, Bucky and Mary, who had an arm linked around Bucky's left arm, walked the streets of Brooklyn.

They passed Izzy's and Bucky and Mary looked in the window to see Yori sitting at the bar. Mary caught Leah's eye and smiled and wildly waved.

Mary glanced at Bucky and asked, "You wanna to go in?"

Bucky stared at Yori and slowly shook his head. He took Mary's hand, squeezing it gently.


Sam made his way to Baltimore to make a visit.

He walked down a familiar street in Baltimore and up to a front door. He knocked on the metal screen door of Isaiah's home.

Eli opened the door and asked, "What do you want, Black Falcon?"

"Hey, you need to learn some manners," Sam told him.

"He ain't a Falcon anymore, but he's still black," Isaiah said, motioning for Sam to follow. Sam sat in the garden as Isaiah tended to his plants. "I saw what you did out there. And it seems, so did everyone else. I heard the GRC was standing down on those plans of theirs, so you must have done something right. I ain't gonna lie. You're special."

"Thank you."

"I mean, you ain't no Malcolm, Martin, Mandela, but..."

"No argument there." Sam chuckled with a nod. "But I know what I've gotta do."

"So, a Black Captain America, huh?"

"Damn right."

He chuckled lightly. "The fight you taking on ain't gonna be easy, Sam."

"Yeah, I might fall. Shit, I might die. But... We built this country. Bled for it. I'm not gonna let anybody tell me I can't fight for it. Not after what everybody before me went through. Including you."

Isaiah's voice shook as his expression softened. "Shit. I almost bought that."

"Man, do you ever lighten up?"

"Nope," Eli replied, standing on the back porch. "Mm-mmm."

Sam chuckled and gently hit Isaiah's shoulder. "Hey, why don't you clean up. There's, um... somethin' I wanna show you."

Isaiah glanced at Sam and made his way inside.

Eli leaned over the railing and asked, "So, uh, where we going?"

Sam shook his head, keeping his plan a surprise.

As soon as the two were ready, they made their way to the Smithsonian exhibit.


Isaiah and Eli remained quiet as they strolled through the exhibit.

Sam led them to another room where he'd had them place a statue of Isaiah and the history of what he'd done for the country. Isaiah and Eli looked around while Sam stood back and waited.

After a moment, Isaiah walked up to Sam who nodded and said, "Now they'll never forget what you did for this country." The two shook hands. "Never." Isaiah hugged Sam tightly and Sam smiled.


Bucky and Mary made their way to Sam's. Bucky held a cake and the kids ran up to him and pretended to fight him. Bucky ducked with a smile. Mary glanced at Bucky and smiled, happy to see him in such a good mood.

"Oh! There they are!" a man said.

As Bucky and Mary walked up, they asked, "Where is everybody?"

Sam hugged Bucky, then Mary.

They enjoyed an afternoon of food, drink, and conversation. Mary kept glancing at Bucky, happy to see a wide smile on his face. He returned her smile with a soft expression.

Bucky and Mary spoke with Sarah and the kids hung on Bucky's Vibranium arm, which he no longer had covered.

Sam, Bucky and Mary stood on the dock, watching the sunset. After a moment, they walked back to the others. Sam placed an arm around Bucky's shoulders and Bucky took Mary's hand.

Bucky glanced at Mary and asked, "What are you thinking, doll?"

Mary smiled. "Nothing really. I'm just pleased to see you so happy. And I'm planning a trip to Kansas to see my brothers. Cas and this kid Jack have some abilities they'll use."

"Cas? Jack?"

"I've told you. Cas is an angel friend. Jack is this Nephilim who's apparently like a son to my brothers."

"Maybe you'll finally be a mom after all."

"Haha. You know I want that one day with you. Just not yet. I'm liking the whole dating thing."

Bucky smiled. "I am too. Maybe I can go with you and meet these infamous brothers and angels."

"Maybe. They're protective as all hell though."

"I wouldn't expect anything less of big brothers."

"Hey, Sam is my twin."

"Older twin."

"Still. We're basically the same age."

Bucky laughed as he pulled her close and kissed her. "I love you, Mare."

Mary wrapped her arms around Bucky's neck. "I love you too, Bucky."

Sam smiled. "The two of you are sweet. Come on. Let's join the others."

Bucky took Mary's hand and they followed Sam.

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