Chapter 2

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I have made some changes in the previous chapter to match the storyline so please check.

Author's POV

Next day, at night Arjun again decided to meet his krishnaa. He again dressed as a commoner and sneaked through the corridors of Hastinapur palace and went toward the main door. As soon as he reached there..some soldiers were ready to attack him but Arjun's one stare and everyone were quite. He went out of palace premises and started walking outside. He walked a little ahead and his madhav waiting for him with a horse.

"Madhav" Arjun called out in a surprised tone.

"How do you know?" Arjun again asked but did he didn't knew he knows everything.

Krishna chuckled and shook his head. He gave the reigns of the horse in his hands.

Arjun rode the horse near the market and came down from it. He made it stand a little far from her house so she doesn't suspect.

Arjun walked towards krishnaa's house. He knocked on the door but no one answered him he tried several times but no response. Arjun became dejected and turned to return but there he saw his krishnaa walking towards the house.

"Aap ?" Krishnaa asked as she walked Towards him.

Clad in simple yet beautiful dark green saree with some jewelry and a small nose pin which adorned her small button nose. Her hairs left loose and her forehead had the chandrakor (Cresent moon) bindi. Two roses tucked in her hairs. She exactly looked as an apsara descended from heaven.

Arjun was looking at her in awe. His jaw dropped looking at her. He came out of his trance when Krishnaa waved her hands in front of him and her bangles made a sound.

"You.. suddenly here ?"Krishnaa asked him.

"Do you have any problem miss?"Arjun asked as he moved towards her.

Krishnaa nodded her head in no.

"Come inside"Krishnaa invited him.

"Your friend isn't here ?"Arjun asked her although he knew about it.

"Oh..she is personal maid of rajmata Kunti so she usually stay in the palace itself"she replied him.

They both went inside the house and sat there. Krishnaa offered him some water and jaggery.

"Do you stay here itself " Asked Arjun curious to know about her.

"No I live in dwarka"Krishnaa replied calmly.

Ground slipped beneath Arjun's foot. Why didn't his madhav tell him. A frown married his handsome face.

"Then how you are here?" He again asked a question.

"Oh.. bhagyashree is my childhood friend I often visit her"She said.

Krishnaa got up and went towards Arjun. She took the water vessel from him but Arjun saw the tears in her eyes. He pulled her and made her sit beside him.

"My maa was best friend and personal maid of devaki maiyya..but I lost her when I was just 9 years old. Devaki maiyya decided to adopt me and raise me. No one in dwarka never made me feel different especially Govind and rajkumari subhadra.."Tears ran down from her eyes as looked down she cried.

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