Chapter 3

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Arjun and Krishna were about to reach the gates of Dwarka palace. While all the dwarka family members were on the gates to welcome them. Subhadra too came there pulling her jiji behind her.

The drummers and pipers started playing there instruments while the soldier announced the arrival of Dwarkadhish Shree Krishna and Rajkumar Arjun.

"Sawdhan...Dwarkadhish Shree Krishna aur unke sang Kurukumar, Vijaya, Gandivdhari Rajkumar Arjun padhar rahe hai"

Such a beautiful description of her love was enough to make Krishnaa shudder. Suddenly all the drummers and pipers started playing there instruments while all the maid's spread the rose petals on the way. Chariots of the two greatest warriors reached the main gate of Dwarka palace and stopped there. They climbed down from it and walked to the entrance. Krishna's walk held divinity and magnificent aura while Arjun's walk screamed dominance, courage and power. The maids were drooling over the prince who walked past them. His sharp features, hazel eyes, pointed nose, chiseled body, sharp jawline everything was just perfect and that significant smirk his face held all the time added cherry on the top.

Krishnaa hid behind her mata and bhabhis. She didn't had courage to face him. Because she knew as soon as she'll see him, she'll lost her mind. She could hear the sound of footsteps coming closer which also fastened her heartbeats. She kept her eyes low all the time.

Devaki smiled seeing her son and her nephew. They both touched her feet.

"Ayushmaan bhava putron, yashasvi bhava.." Devaki blessed them.

"Pranipaat Mamishree" Arjun greeted

(Let me explain...Kunti is Krishna's means she is sister of vasudev right ? our mom's bro is our means vasudev is pandava's mama and devaki is their mami.... confusion clear ??? It is toh my logic.......let's continue the story)

Devaki did their aarti and applied tilak. She called out krishnaa to wash their feet.

"Krishnaa, krishnaa" Devaki called out.

"Yes maiyya ?" Krishnaa replied in a whisper.

"Why are you hiding behind..come take this ganga jal and wash their feet" Devaki said handing her the kalash.

"But maiyya" Krishnaa was about to protest when she saw who was Rajkumar Arjun.

Arjun saw her as she came out. She was dressed in his color. White...

Her breathe stopped as she looked at him

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Her breathe stopped as she looked at him. Her stranger friend. It didn't took her long to recognise him. A soft low gasp left her mouth after Arjun smirked and winked at her. She then slowly moved forward and bend down. She poured the ganga jal on their feet and was about to clean Krishna's feet with her palloo but he stopped her.

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