Chapter 6

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After the welcome of Rajkumar Harsh everyone went inside the palace and to their chambers. Krishnaa walked through the corridors, her walk was faster than usual. Her heart was thrumming in her chest as tears gathered in her eyes blurring her vision.

She remembered how that cruel Harsh forced himself upon her....

(A little flashback about the incident. Flashback in italics)

Rajkumar Harsh came to dwarka for first time. As usual his sister was staying here so he came here to meet her. It was ajust a reason, he always had his bad eyes on krishnaa. One night when she was strolling in the royal garden near the lake. Harsh went to her and asked her become his mistress...he told her that he would give her all the wealth of the world but when she slapped him and denied he tried to force himself on her. But luckily Krishna reached there on time and nothing happened.

(Flashback ends)

Krishnaa was walking through the corridors. She wanted nothing but to go to her room and cry. Her terrible past was infront of her. She walked hurriedly when she felt someone following her. She turned back and she saw no one, but before she could turn and start walking a strong rough hand wrapped around her wrist and she was pulled behind the pillar. And of course it was Arjun but krishnaa didn't knew it.

She closed her eyes tightly and mumbled something.

"Please leave me alone... please I didn't do anything ple...please"

"Shh... Baby girl it's me your Arjun shh...." Arjun whispered huskily as he cupped her face and kissed her forehead and pecked her lips.

"Ar..Arjun"Krishnaa opened her eyes and hugged Arjun tightly. Her nails and bangles dugging into his back. But did it hurt him ? No. He was a warrior after all.

Arjun wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to his chest, hiding her away in his arms.

"What happened dear one?" Arjun asked her softly but she didn't reply and kept crying.

Arjun knew she was not in a condition to talk so he didn't asked her again. He broke the hug and slipped his arms around her back and behind her legs picking her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled her face in his neck. His musk scent soothed her like anything else.

He moved towards her room and kicked it open with his leg. He kept her gently on the bed as if she was the most delicate and precious thing. And she was. He sat beside her.

"What happened krishnaa ?" Arjun asked her cupping her face in his rough hands. Her soft subtle skin feeling silkiest order his rought pad of fingers.

What he has done to deserve her ? He thought. How a warrior like him handle her, who was just like a newly bloomed delicate flower ? And how did she managed to handle a ruthless warrior like who didn't stop until his enemy begged for death ?

"What happened princess" He asked after she calmed down a bit.

She immediately nodded her head in no and wiped her tears hurriedly. She got up to leave from there and Arjun sitting there itself. She got up and started leaving. But she was stopped when Arjun held her wrist and pulled her with a tug and in a moment she was in his lap. His hands clutched on her waist as he pulled her closer. The cold metal of his rings pressing on the warm skin of her waist.

"There is no thing is this world which you can hide from me about yourself" Arjun whispered in her ear placing a soft kiss there.

Krishnaa couldn't hold anymore as she threw her arms around his neck, burring her face in his nape and broke down. Her body shaked with the sobs as she told each and every detail about what happened that day. With each and every word Arjun's angered doubled and his hold tightened on her.

How dare he touch her ! She was his, his possession his obsession! He needed her more than his next breath and dared messing with her ?

Harsh's death was near now. He had dared to enter the lion's den. Soon he will be begging for his death. Soon. He made a silent commitment to himself in his mind.

But now the most important thing was the girl in his arms. He looked at her and broke the hug. Pressing his lips on her forehead he let them rest there for a few seconds.

"Princess" He her out.

"Look at me"He commanded but she refused to do so. "I said look at me" He said now in a higher volume which made her scared. He immediately regretted it. He let his one finger go under her chin and making her look at him.

"What you must be thinking of me...I do not deserve you Arjun, leave me please" She said in a low whispered.

Arjun's blood boiled. How can she just say to leave him ? He needed her, he wanted her. He gripped her hairs in his hands and pulled her closer to his face. Her scalp burned as she hissed.

"Don't you dare remove those sinful words from your mouth again" Arjun warned her and smashed his lips on that of hers. He kissed her harshly unlike all the other time when he used to be soft and tender. But in this kiss she can feel his anger, his sorrow his untold emotions. He didn't stopped nor he slowed down even a bit. After sometime when their lungs burned for oxygen, they broke the kiss. Looking at each other's eyes, they laid down on the bed itself.

Arjun pulled her towards him and hugged her close to his heart. He was the happiest person with his lady love in his arms. How he changed so fast at first he didn't wanted to marry at all, all this love and everything felt like illusion to him and now there he was truly, deeply, madly and utterly in love with this girl. He didn't fear while slaughtering thousands of his enemies but one scratch on her made his heart bleed. He looked down at her finding her already asleep. She must be tired, he thought. A smiled looking at her. She never took care of herself while working for others. She didn't how much she was important for him. He mentally shook his head.

Arjun placed a soft kiss on her forehead, cheeks and pecked her lips before drowning himself in the ocean of sleep.....

So here is the 6th chapter

Hope you like it !!!

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Till then




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