Chapter 7-Uncooperative Patient

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***Thank so much Bridget Ann for sharing my story with your followers.***

Recap: End of last chapter, Aleksi proposed.

Chapter 7- Uncooperative Patient

"Nay, in fact I will not wed you. I would have gladly played the part of wife with you this morn, but now I am infinitely too cross at you to wed you," his feisty little lark said. He was not sure if she was more beautiful laughing or angry.

Chuckling, he leaned in to capture her lips and she shoved him away. "Put me down you, crazed hound." She slapped his arm. "Why did you not tell me you were feeling so sickly? You need to lay down and I will sooth your brow with a cool cloth. Perhaps you will sip some lemon-water instead of your revolting ale."

He dropped her to her feet, not letting go of her small waist. "My ale is not revolting." Insulting his manners was acceptable, but insult his ale, and she would find herself a fight.

"It's thick, brown swill not fit for my goats. The rottenness of it must be battling with the plague on what will take you down first." She dug her little hands into her hips. "Now lay down before you fall down and crack your head. Then I will have twice the work and worry." She spun on her heals and stomped towards a crate of untainted provisions that they had assembled.

He touched his brow. It felt as it always did, perhaps a touch warm, but clamping down control on his desire to ravish her took considerable strain. As she fussed with her lemons, slicing and squeezing, he set to work on constructing them a shelter on deck. No matter that the bodies had all been removed, he was not keen on spending the night below deck in the captain's quarters and neither did he believe would she.

He pulled down a sail, and in short order had a watertight tent that would keep the worst of the rain and wind at bay.

"Aleksi, why are you being so cruel to me? Are you truly so eager to be away from me." She tugged him by the hand and dragged him down on the bed of grain sacks she had made. She shoved him with a considerable amount of strength and to humor her in her flustered state, he complied.

She pulled a folded sail up to his chin and placed a cloth on his forehead. "There. Does that not that feel better." She stroked his hair and he smiled at her. He did feel better. Quite comfortable in fact.

He slid his hand up her arm, to her shoulder and snaked his arm around her back, pulling her on top of his chest, she raised her face to him and he kissed her.  She wiggled and softly moaned. Aleksi had best cease this arousing sport before he rolled over on top of her and lost control of his restraint.

"Cured." He sat up. "My thanks, my lady. Your superior bedside tending has cured my fever and returned my appetite. Now let me finish my chores before we lose the light. I must see what bread and cheese is left to eat. My stomach is growling louder than a battle call." He stood before her and she leap to her feet once again as well. From the spring in her legs, she appeared far from feeble, which comforted him. He craned his neck, bringing his head down to her, taking in her soothing scent and stroked her flush cheek.

 "Aleksi, please. If you rest, perhaps the plague will not take you so quickly. I fear you will overtire yourself and once you sleep...once you sleep..." Tears spilled down her face and she dashed them away in a temper and stomped her foot. "This is so unfair."

The Northman's Last Kiss *RetitledOriginally titled 'The Northman's Bride'Where stories live. Discover now