Chapter 13 - A Son's Remorse

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Chapter 13

"She's a fine cook I see, son," his father leaned across the small karve sailing boat and patted his midsection. "You do appear rounder than last I lay eyes on you." His father laughed with his entire being. Aleksi kept his eye on the sail and stirred the small swift vessel more into the wind.

Aleksi never thought of his father's joy, his health he worried for each time he departed on his next mission, but never had he thought of his father's happiness. Nor had he thought to see his father ever jolly again after his mother's death. The news that he was soon to be a grandfather would most likely cause the small sailing vessel to capsize if he told his father now. He'd wait until after he met Mimi and was basking in her glowing presence.

Aleksi's second rent on life had awoken a spirit in his father that could only be described as juvenile. He poked at Aleksi, locking his head under his arm and tousled his hair and had been patting his belly for the better part of the day. Gabbing at him and slapping his shoulder and leg throughout the mid-day feast shared at the tavern. Aleksi suspected that his father's mind was simply trying to appease that Aleksi was truly back in the land of the living.

The thought of fatherhood had rattled around in his head all of the day. Aleksi understood more then ever the possessiveness a parent would feel over the body of their offspring. He already longed for nothing more than to see his wife's naked form and hold his lips to her stomach.

"Magnus spared no expense for your return welcome, did he not son?" His father beamed. The Jarl had ordered a fine mid-day feast to be served at the tavern and he had assembled various elders and councilors to discuss the vital information the last group of spies had delivered to Tronscar.

"Aye. The veil of mourning for our lost comrades seems to have eased its hold over the village with Jarl Magnus' plan for revenge." Aleksi now wished he had brought Mimi along, but hadn't wanted to risk the argument of her 'health inspection' that the old men had threatened. Aleksi was prepared to strip down bare in the village square, what care had he of who saw him naked. He would have let every man, woman and child inspect every nook and cranny of his body, what care did he have of modesty, but have his älskling put to such measure...Aleksi would not have risked it. The villagers were wary enough of foreigners, and his wife at the moment seemed overly sensitive to the negative suspicion of others. No doubt due to her delicate condition. Aleksi smiled and raised his hand to cover over his boiling excitement to reunite with his wife. A new life course for him had begun and he was more than anxious for the next stage of his life to begin. He had taken Jarl Magnus aside and explained that he would no longer wish to sail upon his fleet but requested a posting within the Jarl's stationed troops and was promptly assigned commander of the training yards. This would allow him to spend his days preparing the next generation of warriors that would defend the North and spend each night doing his part to create that next generation. He shifted uncomfortably on the plank seat, his need for his wife building.

He had not spent more than an hour out of Mimi's company since she became his wife and he was more than eager to get back to her.

"Right proper and festering about time those village long-tooth's get what was coming. Magnus nearly cuffed Larson for that comment he made about needing a second to endorse Soren's testimony." His father slapped Aleksi's knee for no reason and turned his attention to the storm clouds that loomed in the distance over Lika Island.

For the most part, the village elders had been satisfied with the first hand account of the poisoned barrels. What concerned Aleksi more, was that Soren had recounted the conversation he had in Riga with the informant, right down to the detail of what brew they ordered. Soren had a sharp mind for detail and the clearest memory Aleksi had ever seen, reason why the Jarl but such trust in him.

What Soren was not, was tactful. He had openly boasted that King Adeline's' plot had failed, that Aleksi had survived and delivered a full report to the Jarl. He had added that Aleksi had been blessed by God in not only surviving the assassination attempt, but had spent his quarantine in bed with a beautiful, young Frank maiden. It was an accurate account, only, none of King Adeline's' business and it only felt like a taunt to bring on unneeded attention.

"Tis no matter what the Estonians do with their coin." Aleksi touched his temple and traced the scar down his face. "As long as they keep out of the conflict brewing to the east of them and leave our allies alone, they can build the tower of Babul for all I care." Aleksi had failed his men in a moment of unforgivable weakness. His injury and exhaustion from a three-month mission had led him to let his guard down while in allied territory. Nothing was more satisfying to a crew of Norrlanders than to ride the edge of storm waves. Aleksi had taken a keg of ale and found a corner to make himself comfortable and ride out the pain from his injury in an intoxicated stupor. At the time, it seemed a well-earned reward, however now, a large pang of guilt was attached. Could he have saved his men had he not been blind to the treachery at the last port?

As the clouds peeled back, they crested the corner of Lika Island, and the last of the day's rays poured down onto the water like pillars of light, casting a zenith light onto the bow of a large ship. It was no Northern vessel, but had the sails the shape of a southern merchant ship, and the banner colors that of...Frankia.

********* be a few hours. Need to make dinner for my family.


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Thanks for the second set of eyes, AnnMarie Spiby!

The Iron Princess (Story of Katia, Jarl Magnus' daughter) available at all ebook retailers for $2.99.

The Warlord's Wife (Story of Jarl Magnus & Lady Lida- Aleksi's younger years as the principle guard for Magnus ) is on Sale for $0.99 until June 26 at all major ebook retailers. You can find links on my profile.

The Northman's Last Kiss *RetitledOriginally titled 'The Northman's Bride'Where stories live. Discover now