Chapter 8-'Little Death'

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**Author Note: Thanks so much for all the follows and comments. I'm having such a great time writing this story and sharing it here on Wattpad.

Tomorrow, in honour of my second book release, THE IRON PRINCESS, I'm hoping to post the second half of this chapter. My goal is to start posting a half chapter a day until the story is completed. If you're enjoying the story, I would really appreciate any online support via Facebook (, Twitter (@LakeRomance), or here on Wattpad.

My publisher will not be contracting my 3rd & 4th books in the series, (which I've already written) if the first two don't sell. Historical Romance is a bit of a hard genre for ebooks, but I do hope the characters, dialogue and story appeal to a young, new adult reader. So if you think you know anyone that my writing might appeal to, it would be so awesome if you would share my links.

Hope you all have a great reading summer. All the best, Sandra.

Chapter 8- The 'Little Death'

"Tell me all your names again," asked her husband of one hour. Sitting smug and satisfied looking, digesting his hardy meal of roasted meat and sweet-cakes, Aleksi stretched his long legs out and reclined on the make-shift lounging chaise that was draped in rare furs. The Jarl had spared no expense in his gift for their last supper. It was indeed possible that they may die of a burst stomach before dying of the plague.

"Priella Miriam Bava Spoleto, Priella for my father's grandmother, Miriam for my mother's sister, which is why everyone calls me Mimi, Bava for my father's favourite hunting dog and Spoleto...well of course that is our family name. We have lived on the north shore of Corsica for eight generations." She sat less comfortable than him. The day was slipping away and a part of her had to fight at the dread and fear that clawed at her soul for control.

Aleksi wanted to celebrate life and had sealed their wedding vows with a bone melting kiss that promised her she would know all of life's wonders before the day was done...still, with death on their doorstep and desperate lust in the air, she found it impossible to simply recline like Aleksi and bask in the moment.

Before the Jarl and Aleksi's father had rowed away, Aleksi had made a final request that word of Mimi's fate be sent back to her home island of Corsica, so that her parents could properly mourn the loss of their child. Her insides quaked at the thought of her father's wrath once he learned of the priest's betrayal and the profound disappointment her mother would feel that Mimi wed before her death and had not saved herself to be a bride for Christ—

"Now, Priella Ekstrom," he said in a lazy sort of way, which jolted her out of her inner rumination. "It's a good name." His long fingers toyed with the white silk ribbon of her collar. His full attention was on her, as it had been throughout the hasty wedding vows and the feast of fine fare provided by the Jarl's wife. 

"Fine name for a fine woman." His hand clamped around her neck and he pulled her towards his reclined body. The sides of the tent were nailed up, allowing a stiff breeze to sooth their fevered skin. Lanterns scattered around the pile of furs and linens they had assembled for their cocooning deathbed. They would die in each other's arms in the lap of luxury with bloated bellies.

The Northman's Last Kiss *RetitledOriginally titled 'The Northman's Bride'Where stories live. Discover now