A collection of confusion

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2017 author's pov

When Elera walked down the aisle on her wedding day in 2017, she could feel the weight of a thousand eyes upon her. She felt small and vulnerable under the scrutiny of the crowd.

She imagined what they must be thinking: 'What is a young woman like her doing marrying into such a wealthy family?'

Elera's gaze swept across the sea of unfamiliar faces, many of whom had watched her parents toil for years in service of others. She felt a hollow sensation in her chest, wondering if they saw her as someone who had traded love for status. But as she looked into the eyes of Jae-Hoon, waiting for her at the end of the aisle, she saw the same glimmer of resigned acceptance that mirrored her own feelings. There was no love in this union, but they both felt compelled to proceed.

Just before the ceremony, So-Yeon had come into Elera's bridal suite to help adjust her dress. The room was filled with discomfort as Min-Ji, watched the exchange with a protective glare.

"Be careful with that," Min-Ji snapped, as So-Yeon's fingers lingered on the delicate fabric of the gown.

So-Yeon gave her a sharp look before responding with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, "Don't worry, Min-Ji, I won't ruin it. I promise."

Elera caught Min-Ji's eye and gave her a small smile, signaling her that she was okay.

Still, In the corner of the room, Jae-Hoon's parents sat, their faces betraying their discomfort. They had never quite warmed to Elera, seeing her as someone beneath their son's status. Their gazes shifted uneasily between the door and their soon-to-be daughter-in-law.

As Elera's mother entered the room, she gave her daughter a reassuring smile, trying to mask the sadness in her eyes.

Elera took a deep breath and whispered to herself, "Let's get this over with."

With that, she stood and made her way to the main room, trying to shake off the nerves. She forced a smile as she walked down the aisle, feeling the whispers and stares of the crowd. The ceremony passed in a blur, and before she knew it, she was standing next to Jae-Hoon as husband and wife.

Despite the facade, Elera felt a small flicker of hope that perhaps they could make this work, that maybe, with time, they could find some semblance of happiness in their arranged union.

As she stood before her husband she watched So-yeon give a smile, Hae-mi on her lap, she was less than two years old at the time. Still, it felt weird. It was just them. Tae-hyung was nowhere to be found.

"I'm sorry, but Tae-hyung couldn't make it," So-Yeon had mentioned earlier, before the wedding—her voice soft, her eyes sympathetic. The words were kind, but they stirred something within Elera, something she wished she could forget.

" You make it sound like I need your husband here." Elera chuckled awkwardly as she adjusted her veil.

" Oh course not. I just forgot to tell you that's all." So-Yeon said in response.

Min-Ji leaned in to whisper in Elera's ear, "Don't let it get to you. You deserve to be happy."

Elera gave a small nod. She took a deep breath and focused on the ceremony, on the promises being exchanged, and on the commitment she was making.

The priest's voice brought Elera back to the present, "You may now kiss the bride."

As Elera and Jae-Hoon shared a brief, awkward kiss, she couldn't help but glance at So-Yeon. Their eyes met, and So-Yeon's smile was warm and sincere. There were moments like this, as she clapped her hands and smiled. Times like this when she felt conflicted about which was the realist version of So-yeon. Elera questioned if she had misjudged her intentions.

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