A romance like ours

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Elera's Present pov

"For the sake of old times, can we talk about everything? I genuinely did this because I care about you. Can't you see?" Jae-hoon's eyes were earnest, searching mine for a sign of understanding. It was a weird feeling to experience not that I minded his desperation.

His gaze shifted uneasily between Tae-hyung and me, as if trying to gauge the distance that had formed between us. I tucked the sides of my afro behind my ear, avoiding his intense scrutiny as Tae-hyung looked at me.

"For appearances, I'll make a brief stop at the house, in case Mr. Kim drops by," I reasoned.

Before I could continue, Tae-hyung, got off the car he was leaning against with his arms folded. He approached with a relaxed confidence, his posture tall and poised. "No, she won't," he declared with a challenging grin, as if he was enjoying the interaction with Jae-Hoon.

Jae-hoon's eyes flashed defiantly. "She can speak for herself," he shot back.

Tae-hyung's eyes locked onto Jae-hoon's with focus. "You might want to listen then. She's not coming home," he stated. As if to underscore his words, Tae-hyung smoothly slid his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side.

Jae-hoon's expression darkened, his voice strained. "What gives you that right?"

"I made it my right." He added.

Jae-hoon's jaw tightened, a clear sign of his brewing frustration. As he scoffed, Tae-hyung's fingers pressed gently against my back, guiding me away from the tension and towards his car leaving Jae-hoon behind at least for the day.

The metallic scent of coming rain greeted us, remnants of the earlier storm, as the ground illuminated underfoot. While I approached Tae-hyung's car, the glow from the street lights cast a gentle sheen on its black exterior. The light reflected on the wet pavements, making everything appear like a glistening canvas.

The soft thud of Tae-hyung's footsteps approached, and without a word, he reached past me to open the car door. I looked up, catching the subtle gleam in his eyes. "After you," he murmured, his deep voice carrying a hint of warmth.

"Thank you," I replied. As I settled into the leather seat, Tae-hyung closed the door gently behind me. The subtle scent of pine and leather filled the interior began providing a sense of calm.

Tae-hyung effortlessly slid into the driver's seat, his tailored suit accentuating his tall, statuesque figure. The ambient glow from the dashboard bathed his face, accentuating the chiseled jawline and the soft curve of his lips. As he adjusted the rearview mirror, his deep-set eyes caught mine. It felt like time stood still. What made it worst was he knew this. I could tell by the way his playful, knowing smirk at my visibly flustered state didn't help in calming my racing heart.

"You doing alright?" His voice was low, the familiar tone of ease, he wasn't even trying, but my body felt warmer just by the sound of it.

Drawing a deep breath to steady myself, I replied, "Better now." The undertone of flirtation wasn't lost on either of us.

Our fingers brushed briefly as he shifted the gear, and the warmth of his touch lingered. It was moments like these - innocent yet laced with suppressed longing - that was what made our interactions a dangerous dance.

As I tried to distract myself, I adjusted my dress, acutely aware of the warmth of his gaze upon me. A sly, confident smile graced his lips, indicating he noticed my attempt at diversion.

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