It was never mine

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Elera's past pov

Perhaps this life had decided to gift me a brief room for air, a sliver of grace for all the years spent wrestling with fate. All the times I assumed I'd never win, this moment undead those thoughts. At least it felt that was as I woke up, momentarily disoriented, and then felt a strange but comforting warmth enveloping me.

Golden beams of morning light tiptoed through delicate white curtains, casting a muted glow that cloaked the room. As my eyes adjusted, the pillows and luxurious sheets came into focus, they weren't mine. I was in Tae-hyung's bed.

Turning slightly, I found him lying next to me, his arm draped over my waist in a protective manner. For a moment, all the complications melted away. We were just two people sharing a quiet morning, wrapped in a serenity that seemed almost otherworldly considering our twisted circumstances. Maybe I wanted to run away into my room, or maybe I wanted to stay. I wasn't sure. I didn't regret anything, but I did feel puzzled. Looking at him, how handsome he looked, how relaxed he seemed only affirmed my illusions of a good life.

All that and more gave root, as Tae-hyung stirred, his eyes meeting mine. It was a rare moment where neither of us had to speak; our eyes seemed to say it all. It was as if the universe had granted us this small pocket of peace before reality would undoubtedly rush back in.

He smiled, as he pulled me closer, I allowed myself to sink into the comfort of his arms, wondering how long we could maintain this fragile balance. But for now, in the soft morning light, everything felt simple, and I clung to that simplicity as long as I could. I nestled my head into the crook of his neck, feeling the rise and fall of his chest, and let myself be held. It was the first time we had crossed that line, the line that would inevitably complicate everything. Yet in that hushed morning moment, I couldn't bring myself to care about the consequences.

At this moment, it was just us, and that was enough. As I lay there, wrapped in the warmth of Tae-hyung's embrace, I felt him plant a gentle kiss on the top of my head. I looked up to see him smiling, his eyes softened by one of the winter rays that came in.

He smiled, hugging me a little tighter before we both got out of bed to brush our teeth. After washing his face, he wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder.

"Morning, beautiful" he murmured, his voice still with an endearing sleepiness, slightly raspy and slightly deeper than his usual tone. That alone made me feel like I wanted to hug him forever.

"Morning," I returned, my lips curving into a smile that matched his. The complexities of our situation seemed miles away, eclipsed by the simplicity of the present.

He soon left the bathroom toward the kitchen, his movements still hinting of sleep. "Coffee? Tea?" he asked over his shoulder.

"Tea sounds heavenly," I replied, leaving the bathroom wrapped with a blanket, and swapping it for one of his oversized shirts that sat on a chair. It swallowed me whole, but I didn't mind.

Soon, the aroma of freshly made tea filled the air. I joined him in the kitchen, my arms snaking around his waist as he poured the ginger tea into two mugs. He handed one to me, our fingers briefly touching.

We retreated back to the bed, mugs in hand, and resumed our positions; this time sitting up against the headboard, legs stretched out before us. We sipped our tea in silence for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence.

"So," Tae-hyung finally broke the silence, "what would you do today if you could do anything you wanted, no restrictions?"

I pondered the question. "Honestly, right now, there's nowhere else I'd rather be."

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