up and at 'em

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John looked at the gasping man lying on the ground in front of him he was wearing a cobbled together armored suit, multiple gunshot wounds through his back and blood pouring from the wounds and the man's mouth and nose. One of his hands stretching out towards his boots, the man choked and gaged on his blood but still managed to sputter out a plea of mercy but it went unheard as John crouched down to the man's level and raised his 1911 to the man's head and pulled the trigger.

With a sudden and violent jerk John awoke, sweat dotted around his head and his breathing was quick, his right hand shaking so erratically he had to pull it close to his chest and hold it still with his left hands "dammit, I thought I got over some of that years ago" looking to his left John spotted a small round black clock "18:00? I remember it looking like the morning when I was awake, when did I fall asleep?" John examined his room once again and noted Jade was also missing but her rifle laid against the bed and and her helmet was on the table next to his bed. Looking off to his right he saw his pip-boy on the counter, reaching from his position on the bed he managed to grab it and strap it onto his left arm the familiar weight of the machine making him feel some form of comfort in his horrible condition. Without much of a thought he materialized a stimpack in his right hand and stuck into his chest, almost immediately he felt the painkillers, healing stimulants and morphine enter his body and do it's scientific magic. Moving his body felt a bit better as he moved his legs to the side of the bed and stood up, at first it was a bit numb but he quickly got the feeling in his legs back as he stood up and stretched his limbs and easily peeling off the odd medical devices which had caused an annoying alarm. Huffing in annoyance he walked across the room towards the closet opening it seeing his Enclave Heavy Combat Armor and his green shirt and green cargo pants looking freshly washed and neatly folded.

John looked himself over in the mirror admiring the armor he was wearing. He noted it's appearance was vastly more bulky and terrifying then the armor he saw onboard the airship, it was probably more protective as well. Nodding his head he walked back towards the bed and picked up Jades rifle examining it carefully. He shouldered the rifle and immediately noticed the lack of iron sights and how light it was. It was like a toy  to him much like the way older armalite rifles that some guards and bandits still ran around with in the wastes. He pulled out the rifles magazine noting the polymer it was made out of was the same as the rifle and the odd looking rounds. Where there should be lead it was instead a multitude of colored crystals. "They shoot crystals?" John was suddenly interrupted out of his musing as the door to the room opened up and when he turned around he saw Jade staring at him in shock and surprise her face still dirty and with two cups of what looked to be coffee in her hands, her eyes flicking between him, the rifle and the bed . "H-How did you..?" She stammered and mumbled quietly even as he put down her rifle and rubbed the back of his helmet "Ah, well I've been through worse and I've never been known for sitting on my tail" Jade just stared at him with her mouth agape as she hurriedly sat both cups of the liquid down on the counter next to her "C-Can I have my rifle back?" John quickly nodded his head and handed the rifle back to her careful to keep his finger away from the trigger and keeping the muzzle pointed away from her. She quickly took the rifle from him and sling it across her chest and grabbed both cups of coffee from the counter and handed it back to him with a slight smile on her face. "Doesn't seem like asking questions are her Priority right now." John thought as he took a sip of the amazingly delicious drink.

Time skip

John stared at Jade the helmet on her head covering up her wonderful hair and eyes from his view, a sigh quietly escaped his lips as he followed her out the door and he was instantly hit with the smell of blood and death, something all to familiar to him and a smell so common to him he didn't even retch. Jade clearly wasn't as adjusted as he was, she gagged and visibly shuddered in disgust as she guided him through the maze of dead and wounded. John watched as he passed row after row of dead men, women and children, their bodies eviscerated or cleaved to pieces. Dried blood was speckled amongst the walls and floor, the sheets covering the bodies did little to hide the gore and from him and Jade. He often caught her glancing at the smallest bodies which were children or heavily bisected adults. John thought it would of smelled better outside but it was about the same, upon exiting the building he was met with a equally horrendous sight, the streets were littered with corpses, police, military and civilian alike. The robots that he had seen previously were attempting to do some basic cleaning up of the streets, washing away the blood, picking up rubble and collecting the dead. John looked around him at the destroyed buildings and the dead bodies "I bet this city was amazing before these damn muties attacked" John looked towards Jade who he leaning against a large piece of rubble clearly trying to calm herself, he walked over to her patting her on the shoulder trying to be as reassuring as he could but years of living and surviving in the wastes make it hard for him to show open emotion to such devastation. Her ragged breaths were all he could hear from her for a bit of time, her gasps of air were desperate as he could see more tears spill from under her helmet. "I-I don't think I can do this John!" John had opened his mouth to respond when a man's voice called out to him from some distance away, he recognized it immediately as ironwoods and prepared himself for more questions with a quiet exhausted sigh from his mouth.

Hello everyone! I'm sorry if the quality is a bit lower then normal (not like it's high to begin with) I've been stuck with work and I have way to many fanfics I write that vary in quality. I have so much rewriting to do at this rate but maybe I'll get rid of some of them. I don't know yet, but I appreciate you for reading my story!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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