02 - sweet escape

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The breeze that went through her hair comforted Seol, it made her feel alive and as if things won't end up so bad after all

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The breeze that went through her hair comforted Seol, it made her feel alive and as if things won't end up so bad after all. She turned up the speaker and sang along to her favourite songs, trying not to think about everything she left behind and focus on her future, one that she'd finally control herself.

After realising she didn't even manage to tell anyone her plans, Seola stopped the car in a parking lot in the freeway and called her bestfriend. Binna has been there for her ever since her first day of college and she's always the one person she confesses her problems and worries to. Binna was now working as a documentary vice director. 

"Hey Binna! I don't even know how to tell you this but this evening as i was heading home from work I found out Hangyeol was cheating on me so i'm moving to where my grandparents used to live, Guryongpo. I'm an hour away now... You know how I want to open a sweets shop? Well it's going to happen." Seola confessed.

"Oh my god girl i'm so sorry! I hope moving there is going to help you move on and clear your head. I know how much you missed the quiet life and i'm glad you finally gathered the courage to move out. I knew he was a dick but not to that extent. I swar I'm gonna beat him up" her friend said, barely finishing her sentences, too shocked to have coherent thoughts .

Seol, on the other end, smilled faintly, the first time she did ever since the mess that unraveled that day. She was glad to have a friend to count on and who'd support her no matter what.

"Are you planning on telling Eunju about it? She asked me how you've been the other day. We met by coincidence while I was shopping."

Seol bit her lip. Eunju was her best friend back in high school, they were attached to the hip, but things between them got cold after graduation, for no aparent reason. They went to the same university in Seoul, just diffrent majors. Seolie tried rekindling the friendship but things were never the same. 

"I'll tell her when i feel like it. I already know she'll ask me why on earth I'd want to leave Seoul."

"Are there any places where you can open your shop? And wait- doesn't Renjun, that childhood friend of yours, still live there? I've never met him, you talk about him sometimes tho."

Seol's decission was sudden, but not that sudden, after all it was the thing that she wanted to do the most. She sometimes searched on her phone for buildings for sale in that area, and it just so happened that a few days ago she got an ad for the perfect little place that was up for sale. One that had enough room for her shop and another floor with a living room and a bedroom, exactly all that she needed. She already invisioned the way she was going to decorate everything.

Huang Renjun and her were really close as kids. They used to do everything together but after she had to move, they started talking rarely. Still, she was happy to hear of his quiet life, still living in the town, working as a middle school teacher.

"I already know where to go and you're right, I'm going to call him after things get resolved."

After telling her worried friend all of her plans, she ended the call, got back in the car and continued driving. All that she allowed herself to think about were the sweet things she was going to prepare, not even thinking about anything else. As she was driving, her mom called her and she felt her face turn pale. Her family never called and if they do, it's to complain about something she's doing. Her and her older brother grew up with her grandparents since her parents worked in another country. When she was nine, her grandma and grandpa passed away and she had to move in with her parents, who came back to Korea. Since her brother was already off to college, she lived with her mom and dad in a bigger city, Ulsan, that was, still, at the seaside, so she could always escape whenever she wanted, something she couldn't do in the capital.

"H-hello mom?" Seol hesitantly said.

"Where you not planning on telling me how you ran away." Seol's mom said abruptly. "We wanted to come visit you, just to find Hangyeol by himself shamefully telling us how you ran away from him for no reason."

Seol already knew her parents trusted Hangyeol. After all, he was the attorney, not her. 

"Mom, he cheated." the girl said with her voice breaking.

Seol heard a loud gasp come from the other end.

"No matter what he did you should come to us RIGHT NOW. I have no idea where you are but if you get yourself in trouble again i won't take ca-"

"Mom I'm moving to my hometown no matter what you're going to say."

Before she could hear her mom's nagging words, she blocked the number. "Just when I started to calm myself down." she thought.

After a refreshingly quiet car ride filled only with the sound of indie music blasting from the music box, she finally arrived to her dear town. She knew exactly where the place that she wanted to buy was; the little bakery she always looked out the window to when she was a child. In the meantime, it closed and it now belonged to the past owner's granddaughter, who decided to sell it.

She arrived and immediately called the number on the website. After fifteen minutes she was greeted with a warm smile by a girl that looked around her age.

"Hi! I'm Park Eunkyung! Nice to meet you. Are you the one that wanted to buy the building?" the girl asked excitedly.

"Yes! It's me. I'm Jung Seola. Nice to meet you too. I'm planning on opening a sweet shop." she responded, shaking Eunkyung's hand and smiling faintly at the lovely girl.

"That sounds great. Let me show you around!"

The building had on the ground floor the perfect place for her shop. and upstairs there was a living space already furnished and with a few decorations.

Eunkyung could feel the excitement and happiness in Seola's eyes as she was looking around, she was truely glad she could sell the place to someone who actually wanted it that much. 

"I have a proposition. I'm going to reduce the price if you'll hire me." Eun said, suddemly turning to Seola while grinning.

Seola smiled. Truth be told, she really needed help. 

"Gladly." she said, ready to give Eun part of the payment, paying the rest later.

After a long talk about the future of the shop, passions, and the mundane Seoul life, the two girls, now friends, parted ways.

Seol found herself alone, in her new home and she suddenly felt complete. None of the worries that previously overwhelmed her before seemed to matter at that moment in time. She looked out the window and saw the big waves crashing the shore.

She decided to call Renjun, the only person she had in that town. All the other friends she had moved somewhere else, but he didn't. 

"Oh! Seol! Hi. We haven't talked in a while. How have things been?"

"Hi Renjun! Well... I'm moving back to our hometown. I'm here right now, actually. I just bought a place."

His jaw nearly dropped. "That's great, I can't believe this... but still? WHAT?"

Seola giggled before telling him the resume of the whole story and responding to all the questions he had regarding the issue.

"I wish we could meet right now but I'm actually not even in the country. Right now I'm visiting an old friend back in China." Renjun said. Even tho he lived his whole life in Korea, he often flew to vist family and friends.

"Oh that's great! And don't worry about it. Bye! See you soon!" Seol said, a little disappointed.

It was already dark out but Seolie still decided to go to the beach. She rummaged through her bags to look for a sweater and headed out the door.

She was mesmerised by the beauty of the moon's reflection on the water. She laid down in the sand admiring the starts, wondering how could the world create such beauty. She then took her shoes off and played in the water that was now calm, as if it was waiting for her arrival.

Through all this Seola was unaware of the glaring pair of eyes that were staring from afar.

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