ii. David

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ii. david

THE SPIDER FOLLOWED the dull ringing in her head to an alley way just twelve blocks from her home

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THE SPIDER FOLLOWED the dull ringing in her head to an alley way just twelve blocks from her home. She was on the wall, watching man kick a kitten, calling it worthless. If the Spider didn't know any better, she would have assumed the man to be taking his frustrations out on the poor creature. She inched closer.

"You worthless fuck!" the man shouted, the kitten meowing in pain. The cat was calling its God. The Spider wondered if cats believed in God. "Fucking meowing and taking it without fighting back. You're a coward. You're fucking nothing."

The Spider had enough. She lunged, and if the man could see her teeth, he would've seen the poison dripping from them. She was mad. She pinned the man to the ground, hoping that his God doesn't save him.

The Spider hoped his God let him die at her hand.

The man screamed, clawing at her mask. The Spider did not let him scream much longer. Her hands wrapped around his throat. She didn't know why she was angry. The Spider didn't know if it was the man's words or his act toward the cat, but she wanted to kill him.

The sounds of bones cracking brought her from her stupor. The Spider backed away, hands shaking.

She'd killed another person.

Blood stained her suit. The cat mewed weakly at her feet. She bent down, cradling the cat in her arms. The black and brown creature nuzzled into her suit. The Spider was reminded that she was human in that moment. She sat in the murky alley, whispering sweet nothings into the cat's ear.

Her hands shook as she pet the creature's head. The Spider's gloved hands stained the cat's fur. It reeked of blood, human feces, and death. The Spider was very well acquainted with these smells. Only four years ago, she was in the position of the cat.

"I will name you David," the Spider whispered to the cat. It put it's paws on her chest, nibbling at her mask. "Because you are strong like the boy who took down a giant. We are giant killers, David."

Her tone is gentle. She'd heard this sort of tone in films with families. The Spider was going to care for David.

She scaled the roof tops of Brooklyn, David in arm. The cat was pretty bad of, and she had intentions of fixing that. The Spider inched closer to a pet shop, on the hunt for supplies.

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