v. Labour

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v. labour

IF YOU HAD told Matt Murdock that he was going to have a midnight coffee run with Archnae instead of his usual patrol, he would have pounded you head into the pavement

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IF YOU HAD told Matt Murdock that he was going to have a midnight coffee run with Archnae instead of his usual patrol, he would have pounded you head into the pavement. But here he was, sitting on a rooftop, patiently waiting for a teenager in a spandex suit. What had his life come to?

   The sound of sneakers against metal instantly followed by a Spanish slew of swear words told Matt that Archnae had arrived. She inched closer to him, pressing a warm cup of coffee into his hands. Pumpkin spice, he realized. Matt allowed himself to sip it, only to be met with a surprisingly good cup of coffee. He raised his head in what he assumed was her direction. He could practically feel her smile from her.

   "Hello, Mr Daredevil! I did not know how you preferred your coffee but an old friend of mine always enjoyed pumpkin spice, so I assumed you enjoyed the same. Sorry if it does not taste very good. You can have mine if you would like. It is just an expresso—"

   Matt shook his head. "No, kid. It's fine. I happen to like pumpkin spice too." He took another sip, hearing Archnae shift in her spot. Her heartbeat was fact, indicating that she was nervous. "You wanna tell me what you're working on?"

   Matt would be lying if he said the way Archnae flinched as he asked her a simple question wasn't the least bit alarming. It made him curious, and in doing so, also very concerned. So far, Matt knew Archnae was a teenage girl who worked with the late police captain Donatello Stacy. He also knew she was Hispanic, and in her freshman year of high school judging from her age. What he didn't know was who the hell gave a kid permission to wander in Hell's Kitchen alone, at night.

   "There is a trafficking ring." Matt hadn't heard anything about a traffic ring as of recently. He would know. He was Hell's Kitchen's ears. "Thirteen kids are being sold and it is passing through her. It is going to happen at some point in the next week. I followed them from Albany to here." Albany was pretty damn far from Brooklyn. That's at least a three hour drive.  "This is you territory, and I have heard all the stories pertaining you, Mr Daredevil." She took a sip of her coffee. "I need your help. I am not entirely certain I could take them down myself."

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