Chapter 17

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     The interviews pass quickly, and Finnick is being called on stage before Atlas even knows it. The cheers get significantly louder as the man walks on the stage, many adoring women cheering his name as loud as possible. It almost takes a full minute for Ceasar to settle down the crowd. Atlas understand why. Although the thought seemed more devious coming from capitol citizens. Caesar asks Finnick a few introductory questions but due to the time it took for the crowd to calm down, the time they have is limited. Finnick swipes his tongue over his bottom lip, his eyes scanning the crowd before landing on Ceasar again. Ceasar nods at Finnick and Atlas can't help but wonder why. She finds out soon enough as Ceasar starts speaking again.

     "Finnick, I understand that you have a message for somebody out there, a special somebody," Atlas' stomach drops and suddenly the air around her feels stifling, "Can we hear it?"

     Finnick locks eyes with the camera and Atlas' jade-green eyes lock onto his sea-green ones. She's never felt a gaze so piercing. Never felt a gaze that actually made her feel seen. She knows he's not actually looking at her but she can't help but feel the pressure that his eyes carry and the horrors that they've seen settle onto her.

     "My love, you have my heart. For all eternity. And if I die in that arena, my last thought will be of your lips." The words float out of Finnick's mouth like a prayer, something filled with want or pure desire. As if it was he was begging the words to fix everything wrong in this life. Atlas wants to throw up. How was she supposed to know that Finnick had fallen in love during his time in the Capitol? He should of at least told her. They told each other everything.

She can feel her face heating, no doubt that every victors eyes have landed on her, waiting for a reaction. It wasn't exactly a secret that the two were practically inseparable in the capitol. Surely Atlas had to have known that Finnick had fell in love. But she didn't know that and she's never wanted to hide more than she did in that moment. She knows she's not entitled to him or anything like that but she feels betrayed. But then she feels guilty for feeling betrayal over a relationship that never was.

A gruff hand settles over Atlas' shoulder and she doesn't even need to look to know it's Mars. His hand does little to bring her comfort but it does bring her out of her trance and remind her that she has a job to do. She shoots him a grateful smile and she suddenly remembers that she has to give him his ring back, now that she had the bracelet. It sits heavy on her finger, she had convinced Diamond to let her wear it. The gold glints under the lights, as well as complimenting her artificially tanned skin. Mars had good taste in jewelry.

Atlas moved towards the edge of the stage again and steels herself. A stoic look settles onto her features and she closes her eyes for a moment, attempting to block out everything around her and find a moment of solace. The moment of pure quiet feels as if it lasts a lifetime but, unfortunately when her eyes open back up, she is exactly where she was before. Standing a few steps from both her own destruction and the start of a rebellion.

     Atlas' name is called and she takes a deep breath before plastering a sickeningly charming grin on her face. She strides out onto the stage confidently, her dress swaying beautifully around her. Deafening cheers erupt from the audience and Atlas gives a grand wave, brushing her hair over her shoulder with her free hand. She tries to act as casual as possible, as if her heart hadn't just shattered. She sees Ceasar grimace as his eyes pass over the feathered pattern on her dress but she pays him no mind, grinning out at the "fans" out in front of her.

     "Miss Atlas Fox," Casear says, his hand sweeping out toward her, and the crowd settles down. Atlas turns her body towards him, her grin settling into a smirk.

     "Hi Casear," She says with a charming familiarity laced in her tone, "It's great to see you."

     "Is it really?" Caesar asks, a laugh escaping him as he leans towards the crowd.

     "Of course, usually under different circumstances but it is always great to see you," Atlas turns towards the crowd, "All of you." She can't even make out any faces in the audience, the lights are practically blinding her from just glancing that way.

Atlas can hear many sad reactions to her words and she tries to hold back a smirk.

"It seems you cut your hair?" Caesar asks gesturing to the new fringe across Atlas' forehead. Atlas brings a hand up and lets it drift through the newly cut hair, her hand lingering on a face she probably wouldn't recognize in a mirror.

"Yes, my stylist thought it was time for a change you know?" Atlas laughs, faux-sweetness coating her tone as she once again faces the crowd, "new hunger games, new me, right?"

      Some cheers echo after that statement and Atlas turns back to Caesar as he continues his questioning, "Now, Atlas, how are you feeling about these upcoming games?"

      Atlas pauses as if to think about it. Of course, she had an immediate answer and that was that she hated the games and anyone involved in enforcing them but she couldn't exactly say that. She takes a second to formulate an answer that would both please Caesar and toy with the overly sentimental crowds emotions.

      "I mean, I'll miss everyone here so much," Atlas gestures out towards the crowd again, "I truly love every single person here and I could not imagine my life without you all. You have offered me safety and comfort for so long and I would just like to extend my extreme gratitude for everything you've done to- for me."

       Atlas pauses again and places a perfectly manicured hand over her heart, "Especially after my sister was taken from me, I could have never lived without the capital."

      Atlas leans slightly and brushes her hand over the feathers flowing at the end of her dress, making sure to lock eyes with the camera as she stands back up. She smiles slightly and looks away, trying to play it off as simply fixing the end of her dress. The white shines brightly and recognition finally passes over Caesar's face as he laughs awkwardly. White mockingjays were everywhere in her district, they had to recognize this. They had to.

  "Unfortunately, I believe our time is up Miss Fox," Caesar says, bowing his head slightly at the younger girl. A few boos flow through the crowd and Atlas places a down-turned smile onto her lipstick-stained lips.

     Atlas laughs softly, "Quite unfortunate indeed, Caesar. But again, its always wonderful to see you. All of you."

     Atlas turns and blows kisses at the audience, waving sadly as she makes her way up the stairs to where all the other victors are standing. She tries not to wobble too much on her shaking legs as she walks up the steps. It didn't help that Diamond chose heels about a foot tall each. She reaches the top and sighs, drifting toward her spot. She takes her place next to Finnick, not daring to look up into his enchanting eyes. She knew if she did, she never be able to look away.

Yikes late update again, my bad, life's been busy. But Liverpool won this weekend so that's good!!!
- Sunny ☀️

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