Chapter 19

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Peeta Mellark might be absolutely insane. A baby? Suggesting that a real human being was growing inside of Katniss? Atlas realizes this must be why Peeta had said they were secretly married. They'd be in a much worse position if the Capitol thought they had a baby out of wedlock. Even despite the behavior the citizens engage in, they still think that district citizens should abide by 17th century customs. Atlas guessed that victors laid in some weird middle ground (but only when engaging with capitol citizens, not each other.)

Atlas' eyes drift back over to the girl on fire, who couldn't be playing the part of "pregnancy sick" any better. The look on her face combined with her hands clutched over her mouth and stomach were suggesting that she'd get a one-way ticket to spew city any moment now.

Before Katniss can even pretend to vomit, the crowd explodes. Screams echo around the auditorium, anguish soaked through every persons face. People yell for the cancellation of the games, practically begging for something to be done. Because killing district children is just fine but the idea of an unborn child possibly dying is somehow so much worse. Strange how that works.

Anyway, Katniss is supposedly pregnant and the Capitol is outraged. Probably because the child's going to die before they have a chance to exploit it. Not that Atlas thought Katniss was pregnant. Based on the look on her face, she was finding out at the same time as everyone else.

     Atlas gathers the nerve to glance over at Finnick who simply shakes his head lightly when their eyes lock. Seems he could see through it just as well as she could.

     The same cannot be said for the audience whose screams continue even when Caesar tries to calm the raging storm. Disorder haunts the venue and Atlas can't help but smirk at the helpless look on the hosts face. Eventually, the buzzer sounds and Peetas released to walk back up the stage to stand beside Katniss who embraces him tightly. He seems to whisper something to her before turning back toward the audience. Atlas couldn't be sure but it seemed Katniss visibly relaxed when Peeta stood by her side.

     Atlas flinches lightly as the Panem anthem starts to blare from the speakers that surround them. She had heard it enough times in the arena, every time it was played the memories would flood back. But for the sake of appearances, she manages to choke down the gasped breath that wants to escape her and simply grits her teeth instead.

     Suddenly, something changes. Atlas sees Katniss grab ahold of Chaffs arm while he reaches for the tribute next to him. Atlas isn't sure why, but she doesn't hesitate to grasp Finnicks hand which had already been reaching for hers. A chill runs down her spine as his calloused thumb starts to rub slow circles on the back of her hand but she quickly dismisses it in favor of reaching for Mars' hand on her other side. She stands strong and tries not to think about the warmth of Finnicks hand spreading through her and making her knees weak. Instead she looks out at the audience as they look on in confusion.

     Atlas takes a deep breath as they raise their hands, forming an unbroken chain and probably starting a revolution somewhere. Atlas couldn't possibly know. There had been talks of revolution back home before she had left. But hadn't there always been? I mean, maybe the workers had started to hold more meetings. But that could just be to better schedule their hours. Maybe mothers had started to cook and ration more, many even finding new ways to stockpile food. But that might have just stemmed from pure boredom. Maybe even one of the more known anti-capitol citizens of her district had come to her with a plan to overtake the powers that be. And maybe she had even provided him with the funds he needed to utilize that plan!

    But no one could ever possibly be sure. Because if anyone asked, Atlas didn't know of any revolution. Atlas wasn't aware that the mockingjay was a symbol, she had just thought it was a pretty bird. Especially the white ones native to her district. Atlas definitely didn't know how an anti-capitol group ended up with supplies worth thousands. How could she know? She didn't control her finances.

      Even as she stands on the stage, clasping the hands of two of the most important people in her life, Atlas doesn't know a thing. The only thing she does know, is that Snow has got to be pissed. The victors stand together, in unity, no doubt igniting a burning inferno in the districts. Atlas briefly wonders what sort of punishment will come for them. But then she remembers that the arena is the cruelest punishment of all and she lets a small smile break onto her cosmetically whitened teeth. If they were already bound to the arena, why not show some rebellion on the way out. They were already sentenced to death.

     Atlas' hand drops as the lights in the room go out, along with the music. As her eyes adjust to the new darkness, Mars' hand is ripped from hers, Finnicks following soon after. For the first time since being reaped, Atlas panics a bit.

     "Finnick?" Atlas' calls out, her voice straining a bit as she attempts to search for him. People run all around, disarray staining the stage, "Finnick!"

     "Atlas!" A voice calls out to her left and she starts to move that way, quickly crashing into a body. She glances up and can see just enough in the dark to tell that it's Finnick who wraps his arms around her and pulls her away from the stage. Atlas grips onto his shirt tightly, the fabric wrinkling in her manicured hands. Relief floods through her as she lets out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

     As Finnick pulls the two of them toward and elevator, they're quickly joined by Johanna who had efficiently shoved her way through the crowd to get to an elevator.

    "What the hell was that?" Johanna's voice is incredulous, anger seeping through her words as she waves her hand wildly. Upon seeing Atlas' panicked state though, Johanna calms and grasps Atlas' hand that isn't clutching onto Finnick and helps to pull the three of them toward an elevator.

     As they reach an open one, they see Katniss and Peeta inside and Atlas quickly leaches forward to step inside but is pushed back by what seems to be a peacekeeper. Great job he was doing.

    "What the hell dude?" Atlas' voice rings out and Finnick is quick to pull the trio into an open elevator, a sigh leaving his lips as the door closes behind them.

    "Jesus Christ," Finnick speaks for the first time since having found Atlas on the stage. He leans against the back of the elevator and Atlas drops to the floor. She closes her eyes, not noticing the look Finnick and Johanna share above her head.

     "You alright down there?" Johanna asks as kindly as Johanna can ask anything, which is just barely nicer than a full insult.

    Atlas pauses, weighing the question, "I'm fine. Just reminded me of... my games I guess."

     With the only answer to her statement being silence, Atlas open her eyes and looks to where Finnick is staring straight ahead at the door, his jaw clenched. Only then does Atlas realize the grip she has on his hand and is quick to drop it, letting her hand down by her side.

    Johanna doesn't seem to know what to say, comfort never having been her strong suit. Atlas is quick to interject.

     "Don't worry about it though, shit doesn't matter. I'm going back in anyway, I'm a seasoned killer, shouldn't bother me."

   Finnick seems to want to reply to that but before he can, the elevator dings and the number five shows up on the screen, indicating they're arrived at her floor. Atlas furrows her eyebrows, they should've stopped at Finnicks floor first since he was under her. But in her fragile mental state, she decides thinking about it is more trouble than it's worth and she is quick to stand up from the floor, adjusting her dress as she does. Finnick offers a hand but she ignores it, pushing to her feet herself.

   She slides out of the elevator, muttering a quiet goodbye as she does and waiting for the elevator to slide off again before walking farther into her floor. Silence echoes through the halls and Atlas realizes she must be the first to arrive back. She groans to no one, throwing herself down on the plush couch, hoping that if she stays there long enough, maybe she'll suffocate and never have to go into the arena.

    But the sweet release of death never comes and she is left to sit alone in the silence.

Wrote this so quick at like 1 am so pls disregard if it's shit.
I'm alive!!!! ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
- Sunny

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