Four new Terrans (unedited)

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(song isn't part of the chapter just put it fun)

This takes place when the Malto’s returns to the cave

A large swarm of Arachnamechs follow them inside, Twitch and Trash frought the Arachnamechs but slowly losing to all of them. Alex guides Robby and Mo to the centre of the platform while the terrans continue to fight them off, but more and more still were coming in, everyone felt overwhelmed by all of the Arachnamechs, so Mo called out to Quintus.

“Help! Quintus please!” Mo called out while her and Robby hugging the ember, “mom needs us..!” she finished off while shutting her eyes, everyone waited before a heavy voice called back, “I feel your call” then a green shockwave from the stone shots out and deactivates the Arachnamechs as the pool begone to glow a warm green, Alex called out while holding his kids shoulders looking at the green lighten, “uh, kids?” Robby looked up and smiled at him “It’s okay dad, the same thing happened when..” he stopped when he and the others realising what’s happening they all watched as four new terrans manifest from the pool’s waters.

One was tall and slim, second was taller and bulky, the third was short and bulky, and four was shorter and slim, the new terrans stood with confuse while looking over the people in front of them, everyone smiled at the new Terrans, Twitch flew up to get a better look, but before they could take a moment to appreciate the new Terrans, the cave began to collapse everyone became worried but one specifically Terran felt more worried and she had no clue why, everywhere was falling, rocks were landing in the cave water, even near Alex and the kids.

But one big explosion did it for the cave, after that rocks were falling even more not small loose rocks, big groups of them would be falling even more, the new terrans gasps while one looks close to crying, then Twitch flew up to the tallest Terran and called panicky “ the cave’s collapsing, let’s go. The exit’s this way!” she flew away after saying that, the four looked at each other before rushing after her the others, as everyone was making to the entrance, then a sudden rockslide knocked Mo and everyone back, but she let go of the emberstone landing it in the cave water.

Everyone heard the cave begone to crack, the malto’s watched as the rocks above them fall on them, they closed their eyes and waited but then they heard grunts of the new terrans, they opened and saw the new terrans holding the large rock, as they hold it above them a sudden rush of somewhat familiar, it felt warm almost like a sunset. The short, bulky one looked down once he felt the same familiar rush, his eyes glow a lighter color then before.

“Family?” he said out loud, as the malto’s give them all a warming smile.


As Mo explained that the emberstone is lost now, she and everyone else are disappointed and upset, Optimus and Bumblebee looked disappointed than upset but both looked at the cave entrance and saw four heads pop from behind the boulders, both looked in awe then Optimus spoke up “but all at you’ve gained.” as he walked pass the Malto’s and bee, who muttered in shocked “more Terrans”. Optimus kneeled down while the new Terrans stood in front of him, he welcomed them proudly stating his full name.

He then asked about they’re names, which they looked at each others confused before Robby and Mo begone to use their cyber-sleeves to identify each of them, robby spoke first looking excited at the taller Terran, “She’s Hashtag!” ‘Hashtag’ crouched down and gasped happily, “you’re right, I didn’t have a word.. Just a feeling.” robby looked at her with a smile before a voice next to her spoke, “well, what am i called?” he pointed at himself before Mo walked up at him saying “his name is jawbreaker! My favourite candy” he squealed excitedly “really?”.

“Oh! What’s my name, please oh please tell me!” someone with a high tone voice spoke next to jawbreaker, Mo and Robby looked at the short and slim terran, she’s shorter than Jawbreaker, she knees down while clapping her hands together looking at them with pure enjoy, both felt a rush of enjoy making them spoke at the same time, “Your name’s Eclipse!” ‘Eclipse’ squealed happily, both smiled at her as well as everyone else, then Nightshade stepped back before bowing forward while introducing themselves “And I am Nightshade, it is a delight and surprise to meet you all.” “not all of us” everyone looked at the worried man, ‘Alex’ who looked down at his wife’s worktag. His kids ran to him while the others stood and watched sadly.

The new Terrans felt sadness from the malto’s but Eclipse felt it more in her core, she felt fear, worry, sad from Mo and Robby she kept her hands together but unnoticing to her and the others she let a tear slide down, Alex explained as he held his son “Mandroid still has dottie” Jawbreaker said while holding his head “Uh, how do we make
the bad feelings go away?” Eclipse nodded “It's an unsettling feeling” she said looking ready to crying, Robby stood up while looking back at the others with a worried voice “We have to save mom and Megatron.” Twitch shook her head while saying “Mandroid is no joke, we barely escaped the last time we met him and only because mom saved us”.

everyone's cyan lights glow feeling the Malto's emotions but settle down once Nightshade stepped forward, “We don't know this ‘Mom’ but we feel your love for her, burning though our hearts.” “We wanna help!” hashtag stated proudly, “If you'll let us/We'll destroy this Mandroid and save ‘Mom’!” both Jawbreaker and Eclipse spoke. all were smiling before Mo ran to Jawbreaker and bigged in his waiting arms, as she thanked him Eclipse felt her body begin to relax with a calming smile, then Optimus spoke from behind them “Mandroid is formidable, we will need all the help
we can get but GHOST will be here soon
to take the seekers. We must go somewhere secure, and I have just the place.” he end with a determine look.

end of chapter one

note< I had a different chapter then this, but that's when I didn't make an oc base, so I'm starting over not, she starting a habit of holding her hands, you can see that she didn't know she was crying.


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