The Spooked Terran (unedited)

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The italic wording is meaning its not part of the show but my added in port

As Optimus was looking behind him, seeing Mandroid's laser blaster staring around it- he made a sound before turning around and kneeled down showing everyone his plan.

"New plan" he spoke "A ground team lays down covering fire with me, But we need volunteers to take out Mandroid's Cameras." Eclipse was standing behind Nightshade who was sitting on the ground, she leaned her hands on their shoulders looking at the newfound plan.

"He can't blast us if he can't see us." Alex who was with his family "On it!" He is determined like everyone else, Optimus now has a serious look before his mask shifts onto him.

"Roll Out!" He transforms into his alt mode, as all the human Malto's except for Dottie was on his roof with Jawbreaker and Eclipse was on his back wheels. As Optimus was dodging Mandroid's machine's feet, but as he dodges the second he grabs a hold of it lifting them he tosses them off the side of the machine.

Eclipse was behind Alex, Robby who was next to Mo said "Mo, you and Jawbreaker take out the cameras on this side. Eclipse dad and I will get the other side." Mo nods "on it!" She and jawbreaker moved to the right while the other three moved to the left of the machine, as Robby, Alex and Eclipse moved to the camera then she was too short to grab it from its socket.

She became irritated by it then Robby placed his palm she stopped and looked down with a lost look like she doesn't wanna fail, but she doesn't know why she feel like it but robby could feel her emotions stronger than the others at this moment. He gave her a smile before saying, "come on Eclipse let's do this-" he said as she got the hint he needed to get picked up, she lifted him up to the camera "together!" he finished as he tossed it down and she smiled at him before moving on.

As Alex and Robby did the second last one with Eclipse was standing above them looking at them, but that's when she heard several thuds around her- she snapped her head to her right, finding those spider bots she went wide eyes before she kicked it away then again to the other on her left than more kept coming from above her, she was trying to keep them away from her family but some were shooting at Alex and Robby as her blind spot.

Then she turned to kick the spider bot again, than Megatron came in and started shooting around her at the spider bots, she smiled widely so did the human Malto's at him and twitch as they both passed by, she then grabbed Robby putting him on her left shoulder before following Alex to the centre of the machine, soon they meet with Mo and Jawbreaker.

All five of them were in front of the camera with Robby struggling to move the last camera, Eclipse was next to Jawbreaker with his arm behind her back- then spider bots were showing around them left and right, Robby and everyone beginning to panic.

The machine begin to move violently making everyone swing around then the camera finally broke apart from the machine making the rest fall back, with a yell/scream they begin to fall then one of those spider bots shot its rope connecting it to the cameras wires- Eclipse was holding onto Jawbreakers arm while screaming while they swing.

Twitch who was on Megatron in his alt mode, shooting at the spider bots, making them explode resulting and saving the others from they're fall- Eclipse was sat in front of Jawbreaker who was holding himself onto Megatron, she gasps in relief then starts woohooing with her arms in the air then Jawbreaker joins in chuckling too.

Then out of nowhere a pink laser shot next them, then Megatron wing with up with flames- it seems like he couldn't control it so they begin to lean down, he transform back and brings everyone close to him as he use his back to crash on, Eclipse shut her eyes once she felt the crashing through the roof and the hard landing the warehouse. She opened her eyes to see the place full of dust but got up to help her siblings.

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