"Operation Terran Horse."(unedited)

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Optimus suggests they reconvene elsewhere to plan the rescue, It's at the Witwicky Donuts.

Mo is seen drawing a red can with Nightshade, Thrash was placing the props down on the table when a fox teddy caughts Eclipse's attention, she watched as he placed it down.

As he sat down on a bench behind the Malto's, Eclipse sat next to him before she mustered up the courage and asked "Thrash what's that thing with orange all over?" Thrash looked over where she was pointing. It was the fox he leaned over to pick it up.

"This is a fox!" he told her she nodded, He got an idea as he lifted the toy next to Eclipse's head ↓ ↓

 he chuckled while she looked confused then asked "What's a fox? Is it like us!" she leaned over to him but he shook his head 'no' before explaining what a fox and how's is not a Terran like them

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he chuckled while she looked confused then asked "What's a fox? Is it like us!" she leaned over to him but he shook his head 'no' before explaining what a fox and how's is not a Terran like them.

minutes later everything was set up, Thrash gave Eclipse the fox teddy, she did have put it back on the bench but Thrash said she can have it once they're done.

Optimus dropped a six pack on the bench "This is Mandroid's lair, and these pieces
represent all of us." Everyone leaned closer to the bench and saw cans, crushed up napkins, and souvenirs?.

Nightshade eyes shifted to the owl bobblehead, they asked while pointing at it, "Oh, may I be the bobblehead?" Optimus looked over and gave them a smile "Of course. Morgan, can you switch--uh" he looked at Mo needing a little help.

Mo looked back at Nightshade then back to Optimus "Nightshade's pronouns
are they/them." Terran's eyes flash at the new found information about their sib. Nightshade then spoke out "he or she just doesn't fit who I am." then smiled up to Optimus.

"My apologies, please switch their piece." he said proudly, before looking down at the bench and speaking about the plan "Now the plan, our new Terrans will pretend
to be Decepticons, You Four will deliver me,
Twitch, and Thrash as prisoners. To Mandroid in exchange for his protection from GHOST-" Eclipse and Nightshade were looking at the plan but Eclipse was mostly looking at the fox toy still.

"-and the Autobots. Then the trap is sprung! We will drop our bonds, and Mandroid
will be surrounded-" he continues with twitch removing the rubber band from three things, Hashtag laughs in victory with Optimus looking determined.

"-Meanwhile, Bumblebee and the Malto family, who have been laying in wait outside, will usher Lieutenant Malto and Megatron to safety." he said with his hands on his hips looking around.

"I call it 'Operation Terran Horse', Any questions?" he finally finished, looking away from the group.

Eclipses and the others' eyes light up with determination before giving Optimus a smile.

(off screen)

As everyone was cleaning up, Thrash went to Eclipse who was waiting with the other Terrans "Hey Eclipse do you want me to hold on to this?" he said while holding up the toy fox to her, she nodded while asking "Thank you Thrash!" he beamed happily.

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