erm☝️ very important!

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i just heard about season 2 and thought maybe i should start writing again and so here it is!! i made a new book of Earthspark

I made a book about what if there was a Terran before twitch and thrash, what if she lived with a rich old man, you know the old man from the last knight 

Edmund Burton is the old rich man who went for a hike and found himself dropped into a cavern with a glowing crystals in the center of it, he give live to Echo which is the Terran who is 7 years older then the other Terrans. this also takes place before the actually show, im still not sure if i wanna add Cogman into the book..

 this also takes place before the actually show, im still not sure if i wanna add Cogman into the book

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what you think? oh ya im gonna put this on hold since i dont really write..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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