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your pov

"if i would've have been there on time i could've maybe saved her!" tatum said as she continued to hug you and cry into your chest

even tho you just only met her yesterday you felt like you two were friends for years, the fact that she chose you to talk to you about sidney's death is shocking

"i just...who would do such a thing?! what did she even do?" she said still..crying

woah she didn't react like this when casey died, the difference between her reaction to casey's death and sidney's death is definitely something

"god, I just want her back" tatum cried

You didn't say anything, and just let her do her thing. Eventually, her grip loosened, and she pulled away,you kept sitting next to her, waiting to make sure she was really okay before you left

"why does god take away good people" she asked.

"I don't know, but has anyone ever told you the flower comparison?"


"well, when you tend to a garden, you always pick the prettiest flowers first, so when it comes to the universe, the best people tend to go first," you explained "sadly, sidney just so happened to be prettier than us, so she had to leave before us"
tatum sniffled, looked at you, and smiled

"she was one of the fucking prettiest, and the best" tatum giggled, tears still running down her face

you both then sat in comfortable silence but then someone interrupted the peaceful moment, it was stu

"hey i was just wondering where you guys were" he said as he shoved you both out of the way from the bench that you two were sitting, and sat down between you two

"aww baby why you cryin?" he noticed his gf crying and started whipping her tears

"didn't you heard that sidney was killed last night?!" tatum said a bit angry

"i did, the police even arrested billy because he was there at the time the policeman arrived, so they suspected him" stu said, ignoring her question

tatum sighed "no...i don't think its him, i just don't think he would KILL his GF"

"what bout you y/n? who do you think it might be?" stu asked you

"honestly, billy may be a bit creepy but tatum has a point, she is his gf, why would you kill your significant other. you on the other hand..."

"hey! what you tryin to say, that i killed her?" stu said pulling tatum into his arms

"nah, i'm just saying that your suspicions," you shruged "asking everyone questions on the murder, how do we not know that your not the killer huh?" you interrogated him

he snickers "your sounding a lot like randy right now you know"

"hey y-"

*school bell noises*

before you could finish your sentence, you were cut off by the school bell

"hey look man, real talk tho i am serious not the murder i may know how to gut someone but i swear I'm not," stu said trying to prove his innocence

"i needa get to class now bye n/n" he said goodbye and left with tatum

welp since they're gone now you should probably hurry to your class as well, don't wanna be late

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