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"is that you randy?" she asks the figure

the person shook their head

"ugh what movie is this from"

"whatever, lose the outfit the people at the the party will flip" she said walking towards the person but they didn't move

"ohhh you wanna play psycho killer?"

the person nodded

"can i be the helpless victim?"

the person nodded again

she smirked "ok lets see, please don't kill be mr. ghostface i wanna be in the sequel!" she chuckles

she then tries to push them out of the way but they still won't move

"ugh move will ya?"

the person when grabbed her arm making her drop the beer bottles that she was holding

"randy what the hell are you doing?!" she said, a bit frightened

the person then took out a knife and silenced her arm, she punched the person in the face and they let go of her arm
you exited the garage and decided to go outside to get some fresh air even though you were at school like a few minutes ago, you didn't think any of them will notice your disappearance anyways

you went outside, it really different from stu's house, it was claming and theres no alcohol smell in the air

"hey, what are you doing here outside? your missing all the fun! i didn't invite you just for you to be out here" someone said from behind you

the person was stu, he walked towards you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and dragged you to the living room where most of the people were

"oh there you are, i was wondering where you've gone" randy said from the couch

stu plopped you down on the couch and sat beside you, grabbing your hand and holding it and putting his head on your shoulder , if tatums here it will sure be a hell of a time explaining to her on what you and stu are doing

"oh look look! here it comes" a boy said pointing at the screen

then a bunch of boys started oo-ing

"aw the blood is all wrong why do they do that?! its to RED" a boy with brown curly hair said

"wait here comes another" randy said

the room was once again filled with oo-ing

"predictable i knew he was gonna bite it" a boy behind the couch said

"how do you watch this shit over and over?!" a boy behind the couch wearing a hat said

"when do we see Jamie Lee's breasts i wanna see Jamie Lee's breasts" stu said

"breasts? not until trading places in 83, Jamie was always the virgin in horror movies" randy said

"she never showed her tits until she went legit" you said

"exactly" randy said

"or could afford a decent pair" with girl with the blue tank top said as the girl beside her rolled her eyes

"shh, thats why she always out smarted the killer in the big chase scene at the end, only virgins can do that, don't you know the rules?" randy asked

"what rules?" stu asked with a smirk on his face

"why'd you have to say that!" you said to stu in an annoyed tone

randy suddenly paused the movie

"Jesus Christ you don't know the rules?!" randy asked stu

"have some aneurysm why don't you" stu answered

"there are certain RULES that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie, for instance," randy started to explain

"number one, you can never have sex"

a bunch of people started booing, one boy even started to throw popcorn at randy

"BIG NO NO BIG NO NO!" randy said while using his hand to block the popcorn

"i'm a dead man" stu said while sticking his tongue out

"you can NEVER have sex ok?, sex equals death "

"number two, you can never drink or do drugs"

people in the room starting raising their beer bottles and clinking them or drinking and cheering, one guy even clinked his beer bottle with randy

"its a sin! its an extension of number"

"and number three, never ever ever under any circumstances say i'll be right back cuz you won't be back" randy said

as stu got up and asked randy "i'm gonna get another beer you want one?"

"yea sure" randy replied

"i'll be riGHT BaCK!" stu said as he slowly backing away from the living room and to the kitchen

the room was now filled with oo-ing. Again but, louder this time

while they were doing that you quickly and slowly exited the living room and went upstairs where billy was

"you see you push the laws and you end up dead ok" randy said "i'll see you in the kitchen with a knife"

the phone suddenly rang

randy picked it up "hello?....oh hell no" randy quickly hung up

"what" someone asked

"they found principal Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung on the goal post in the school's football field."

"What are we waiting for, let's go before they pry him down! Where did he say he was?!" one boy shouted

"the football field" another boy replied loudly

people began rushing for the door, running outside for their cars, the other boys were all dragging their girls along, and you were pretty sure the entire fucking party just left

"so his body is just on display?" someone asked randy

"sort of, it's hanging in the football field" randy replied

"where's stu and tatum?"

"they are probably fucking in the garage," Randy joked "but i seriously don't know"

Murderer || Scream1996 x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now