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I rewrote the "2 years later" chapter and moved the memes here 👍👍

ok maybe i rewrote a few more chapters

"I have a few knives up my sleeves" stu said

"Don't you mean cards?" you said

Stu then proceeds to pull out knives out of his sleeves

"no, no I do not"

"we're playing uno right now you know, not killing people"

few minutes later

"so... are we flirting right now?" you asked


"You didn't answer the question" you replied


"we should probably use poison to kill them, its like a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses" billy suggested

"well billy, this knife and it's actually a magic wand. y/n meet me in the Blockbuster parking lot for a wizard duel" stu said

*cocks gun* "Magic missile" you said

"i should've just let you kill me 2 years ago.." billy facepalmed


"bye Stu! bye (y/n)! bye stu!" billy waved goodbye

"You said 'bye Stu' twice" you said

"I like stu"


"do you have any skeletons in your closet?" you asked

"Literally, or figuratively?" stu asked



"what if the g in gif was silent?" stu asked walking down the stairs

"go to sleep" you said turning off the TV

"what gif I don't want to?"



billy : *screams*

stu: *screams louder to establish dominance*

y/n: starts screaming to and has no idea what's going on


"in my defense, I was left unsupervised" stu argued

"wasn't y/n with you?" billy questioned

"....In my defense, I was also left unsupervised" you replied


"look If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous, If it bites you and you die it's venomous" billy explained to stu

"what if it bites me and it dies?!" stu asked

"Then you're poisonous dumbass" billy flicked stu on the forehead

"what if it bites itself and I die?" stu asked rubbed his forehead

"that's voodoo" you replied while looking on your phone

"what if it bites me and someone else dies?" stu asked again

"that's correlation, not causation" billy answered

"well...what if we bite each other, and neither of us die?" stu asked...again

"thats kinky" you looked over to him

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