Chapter seven - Flashback.

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Flashbacks. The day Honey Lee died.


Minji was gasping for some air as she held Haerin in her other hand and Honey on her other. The impossible strength that a normal teenage girl will never have is now visibly in Minji in the way she pull Haerin on others and carry Honey on others as they sprint in speed that Haerin barely keep up.

She was scared for her life, but most of all she was most scared to lose the most important part of her life that each of them holds a part of her that nobody can hold. She was afraid not to witness the day that Haerin will get married with Danielle, she was afraid that she will never witness the beautiful features of Honey once more in her life. Her tears were streming down her cheeks as she remember that her mom and dad is still back there fighting for them as one different breed of vampires chase them. The moroii.

She tried to run as fast as she could until she groan as she realise it was a dead end. If Haerin and her they can jump and transform into something that can fly, but Honey?, a half Vampire and Human, a late bloomer of Vampires, she doesn't even know how to act like one. And she was asleep and limp

"Unnie...they're near..." Haerin said trembling fear was on her eyes as they look behind them and at the cliff in front of them "we have to jump!" Haerin said

"I KNOW!...i know Hae... But Honey...i will never leave my woman" she mumble and put Honey down as she feel her muscles ache.

"we're going to die unnie" Haerin said in fear, she look at Haerin and cupped its face

"no, no baby...we're never going to die...i promise" she said to her baby sister and look back on Honey and tapped its cheeks lightly "angel its time to wake up" she mumble and kiss its forehead

Honey shifts a little and open her weak eyes slowly, Minji chuckle in between her tears and kiss its lips "m-my body aches..." Honey whisper "it hurts love..." Honey added, she nods and wipe her tears in the back of her hand and kiss its nose tips

"I know Honey... I know...but we have to keep moving...we have to keep alive to witness us live the future right?" she mumble to the woman she ever love

"yes...i wanna be with you..." Honey said and smile she lean down and kiss its lips then someone snatch Haerin make her sister scream in fear

"UNNIEEEEE!!!" she look at the side to see their enemies, Sunghoon was holding Haerin on its neck with a sharp knife pressing against her throat. Haerin was crying and theres nothing more painful to see your baby sister in the middle of fear and tears

"Let go of my sister Park Sunghoon!" she yelled and help Honey to stand as she slowly let her go.

"no no Kim... There is no escape only death waits ahead" Sunghoon said she groan and about to attack Sunghoon when someone snatch Honey and place the two important part of her life in the edge of cliff.

"What the hell do you want LEE HEESUNG!?" she yelled when she look at the man who held Hanni as the man gave her a smug look

"Your father been ruling the whole Vampire clan for so long...don't you think its time to put an end on it?" she huffs a low air as she suddenly a nails digging in her arms make her groan in unexplainable pain.

When she look behind her she saw Jay laughing his ass off to see her in pain as her blood drips down from the fresh deep wounds that Jay had made "What exactly you need?" Minji asked the man as to see Heesung the man who stand as their leader smirk

"]f your father die in the mansion im sure you will go next to his reign... I had to kill you now" Hee said, she tried healing her wounds yet since it was made by a Vampire and not a human she can't do that.

"Ill give my life but let my sister and my girlfriend go!" she yelled the man laughed and clap his hands as if he found it funny. Like the fear in Minji's eyes are some sort of satisfying view.

"letting them go both? No sweetheart, you choose one to save..." Hee mumble as she almost pushed Honey in the edge

"STOP!!!" she yelled so Hee stop and pull Honey away from the edge

"so you choose Honey than Haerin?" Hee added as he look at Haerin's direction who's shaking in fear and tell Sunghoon to push Haerin she ran to Haerin's direction, as Sunghoon raise its dagger and almost stab Haerin, when Minji was fast enough to did her best to held Sunghoon's hand and turn the end of the dagger on his chest and uses her force to stab his chest as her other hand held Haerin's wrist before she fell.

Sunghoon isn't a full Vampire just like Hanni, Hoon is a half Vampire from a low class forms of Moroii, he came from a family of slaves and Heesung had helped her to be a total golden, thats why he able to held the dagger but it will also be his death. The dagger made of Silver, she hugged Haerin but her head snap when she heard a yell, a familliar yell and scream of her name.

Her tears flowed when she see Honey being pushed at the cliff.

"BABY!!!!" she yelled as her heart broke in a million times, she broke her heart right there as the fire of hate and anger ignites inside her. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU LEE HEESUNG AND YOUR DAMN FAMILY!!I WILL FUCKING MAKE SURE TO KILL EVERY MOROII VAMPIRE IN THIS DAMNED WORLD!" she yelled in tears

Hee was about to attack Minji but Jake came closer to him and whisper on his ears something as Minji hears some rattle sounds of leafs being stepped. Hee and his friends ran away.

Some member of their clan arrive with Yujin,Chaewon,Kazuha,Bae,Haewon and Sullyoon she groaned when her body aches, remembering her sister she checked her "Hae are you okay?" she asked Haerin nods, she look at Chaewon "Take Haerin home make sure she will rest enough" she said the girl nods and help Haerin.

She ran until the edge and look downwards, her tears fall, her heart broke, her head aches and spin in undeniably fast pace of surroundings. She shut her eyes as her tears cascade down in her eyes "HONEY LEE!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled and sobbed hard, she can't explain it, it hurts more than she ever had. She look at her friends and "search for Honey's down there!" she said they nods

And they go down the cliff she remember her parents she ran at the mansion to see her father grieving and hugging the body of her mother who's slowly dissapearing in a burning ashes she kneel there like a dead man.

"my love...don't leave me" it was her dad and let her tears to fall she hurt her heart more.

A bloody night leads into losing her mom, and please don't tell her that Honey is gone she'll go insane, surely without a beat.

As soon as her mother burn in ashes, her friends came back with a head bow down withour anyone with them "Min..." its Yujin

"where's Honey?, is she okay?she's okay right?" she said with a small glint of hope in her eyes as it spills tears

"we can't see her body, there is a possibility that she's dead, Honey is half human and she haven't had any progress in letting Vampire features in her system" Haewon said she walk near her and held both shoulders and look at her deadly

"she's not dead!" she yelled and look at Bae and Sullyoon "please tell me she's alive, my girl is alive right?" she asked but all of her friends just looks down make her hopeless.

She kneel in the ground and let herself drown in tears, her heart is now in powdered pieces can't be stick up anymore. No one can testify how much she had love Honey and now they're telling her she's dead she can't accept that, she can't be dead, she can't leave her just like that.

Honey...its not polite to leave me hanging and holding into you just like this...comeback to me, im nothing if you're not here.-Kim Minji

A/n: so basically it took me one day to make this whole chapter( ̄3 ̄)

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