chapter eleven//im sorry.

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It was already midnight, different sounds of howling and growling can be heard but in this moment Haerin had already forgot the fear, she wasn't even afraid if their attackers before will attack her now she doesn't even care. She will follow where her feets are leading her in a speed that wasn't even in humane.

She stopped in one house a really big house and she look at the room in the 2nd floor as the sliding door was shining in the dim light of a lampshade. She uses her ability to jump through and when she had land her feet in the flat surface of the veranda and look at the woman who was sleeping in the bed, she slowly slide the sliding door without making any noise and step inside the room without her feet making a tapping sound and sat at the corner of the bed as she stare at the most beautiful woman that had captivated her eyes.

She looked at its lips and smile so firm when she notice how beautiful she can be

"sunshine... I missed you" she said and caressed Danielle's cheeks "Im so sorry i had to pushed you away if i accept you now my plan will be a big mess" she said and lean down to trapped the girl in between her arms and kiss its eyes, lips softly trailing down to her cheeks and finally to her softer lips. She press a soft peck that shows how much she misses her, how much she badly want her to be with her always.

"i love you so much Dani... It's hard to watch you cry, but i have to finish my plans there is no turning back now my sunshine... I will do this for my own sake...for us..." she mumble and press another soft kiss in Danielle's lips.

The kiss that was lace with a spell of love, even thought Haerin knows that Danielle already realize what she felt towards her she wants her to be crazy in love for her and her only.

"one day my Mo Dani... We'll be able to smile together, Just let me do this plan of mine... I had to get rid of her" Haerin said and plant a soft kiss on the sleeping lady's forehead.

She slowly stood up and walk through the veranda but before she even leave, she take one last glance to Danielle and smile before she jumped out of the veranda and run once again back to her dad's mansion.

Upon arriving she was welcomed by her angry dad who aggressively walk near her and give her a loud slap , she was shock because her dad's strength is not a joke

"you!" he said pointing his forefinger at her "you know its dangerous at night why are you so careless!? If you die who will protect Minji!? Huh!? You ungrateful fuck" he said with no control on his words

Haerin was hurt to the core, she was so hurt that she wants to burst in anger, she want to curse him and tell him how unfair he was... How unfair he was treating her, that he only care for Minji when in fact Haerin also came from his own flesh...

"im-- im so sorry dad" she mumble and let her tears to fall red cheeks because of the impact.

"sleep! You're grounded for a month!" he said, she nods and walk pass by him, go directly to her room and as soon as she shut the door close she let her back slide in the wooden door, hands are in fist as she cried in tears of unexplainable agony.

The unfair treatment only make her mad to Minji, as long as Minji exist she's nothing but a piece of trash, a piece of mistake by Kim Namjoon in the past.

A mistake that even she on herself know how disgusting Kim Namjoon can be. He is nothing but a lucky man, a lucky man who is blessed with a wife who understands him all along and even accepts Kang Haerin as its own daughter, treat her fairly and love her like a normal mother do, but Kim Namjoon... That man ruin her life, make her feel like nothing and no one.

She stood up on from the floor and reach to her drawer but then when she was about to get her ointment a hand stopped her, when she look at it her eyes widen it was Danielle

Maybe it was her thing to sneak in or to appear from the darkest part of the room.

She can't even process a word, she only let Danielle pushed her in the bed to sid at the corner as Danielle took her ointment from the drawer, and she let her put those on her reddened cheeks so careful

"dan--uh dan" she was cutted off when Dani place its forefinger on her lips

"i don't need you pushing me away again..." Danielle said and just caressed her cheeks softly and starring into her eyes "i heard everything you say earlier, whatever your plan is please be safe enough for you to return in my arms... I can't live this life just to grieve for you... I don't wanna live a life without you" Danielle added and lean down a little to press its lips on hers.

Haerin feel her tensing mucles had calmed down even her messy mind had its peace as soon as their lips collide and the way Danielle's arms are snaking around her neck and pulling her more that the only thing that Haerin can do is to kiss her back and wrap her arms on her to pull her closer.

Their eyes are shut, eagerly kissing each other without caring about anyone and anything, just her and Danielle, lips are sealed into each other and their tongues meet in the middle to play against each other.

Haerin took the liberty to pulled out even she hates it she have no choice but to do, but her forehead are resting against Dani's and their eyes remaining shut.

"i missed you so damn much" Haerin mumble and let her breath hit Danielle's face

"i missed you... I missed you too" Danielle said slowly going insane in the way Haerin's warm breath hit her skin and make her numb like novaccaine

"just a little more time sunshine... Just give me more time...i promise ill return to you again my only one" Haerin said with longing lace on her voice, with love on it.

"ill wait Haerin-ah... Ill wait for you like i always do..." Danielle said "i had to go back... They will look for me" Danielle said but Haerin didn't let her go and instead of letting her leave she pulled her in the warm bed tucked their bodies under the covers and she hugged her really tight.

"stay here... Stay with me through the night, they won't get worried about you, ill send them a message you're here with me" Haerin said as she keep kissing on her neck letting her feel how much Haerin had missed to be affectionate towards her.

Danielle being so weak when it comes to Haerin had agree to everything she said, intead of leaving she wrap her arms around Haerin and cuddle her, sharing warmth to one another.

"if i marked you as mine... Would you let me?" Haerin asked her

"i can anytime you want sweetheart" Danielle uttered and Haerin smirk at the way she had know Danielle would let her.

After few minutes Danielle was in deep slumber as Haerin was wide awake like a creep starring at the beauty that she knows no words can testify.

She was startled when a knock can be heard on her glass window and when she look at it she saw a shadow of a man standing so she carefully slip out of the bed and open the window and right what she had see is one of their attackers that night

"Jake Sim..." she mumble she saw Jake smirk as he stood at the railings tall and not falling

"The boss was asking about the offer" Jake spoke she look at the room to see Danielle sleeping but she can hear footsteps coming to their direction

"ill take the offer... Go leave they will kill you if they see you here...ill help you to kill Kim Namjoon and Kim Minji with ease" she said Jake smile as its eyes turns red and he let his self fall she go back in bed as if to fake her sleep so if her father walks in they will never suspect on her.

She smirked knowing she'll sucess at everything soon enough, with enough power and connection.

She fell asleep not before cuddling with Danielle and leaving a kiss on her soft shoulders.

"im sorry sister and father... Life's too unfair for me and i need to do something to make it fair" -Kang Haerin

A/n: hmm what else Haerin plan:)

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