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... . -.-. ..- .-. .. - -.-- / .-.. --- --. ---... / ----- ....- ....- ...-- ----. .---- --..-- / -.-. --- -- -- .- -. -.. / -.-. . -. - . .-. --..-- / --. . -. . ... .. ... / ... .... .. .--. --..-- / .-.. --- --. / -.. .- - . ---... / ----- --... -..-. ----- ..... -..-. ---.. .---- ...-- ----.

How do you know zis vill vurk, hell HOW could it even vurk?!" -V

"She's not wrong you know were cutting corners on all of this enough as it is." -B

"I understand your concern bu-" -J

"And didn't you say you got zis from Nida?! Ze fuckin' Pedologist?!!" -V

"Wait Vanya let's hear her out first." -B

"Thank you Captian." -J

"We know for a fact that at least ninety-eight percent of the survivors had experiences similar to the simulation." -J

"And?" -B

"The introduction of this m-" -J

"Specimen vhat iz vhat it zis iz." -V

" *sigh* if this 'specimen' is introduced with the others than their chances for survival and induced endurance will increase exponentially." -J

"How do you even know it will remember anyting?" -B

"Exactly." -V

"Look at the records, the entire body was burned beyond recognition, straight down to the bone and brain." -B

"The program can just recode everything that's been lost. And besides I don't think he'll even need to undertands his history." -J

"What do you mean?" -B

"For his entire life he cared about one thing and one thing only;  Survival. Nothing was too much, there was no condition that wouldn't just drive him further. He would even fit well with the others these animals were the Fiercest to have ever lived and he had to grow up with them." -J

"Ve have Vikings, Hitmen, Egyptians,  and everything in between and ahead how iz zis any more likely to succeed?" -V

"Because everything they were doing was for something, or someone else, a god, a tribe, or a ruler they were all loyal to at best their survival wasn't constantly put into questions. Nothing here is guaranteed to fail so please pass the proposition Captian." -J

----. ..... ----. .---- / -.-. -.-- -.-. .-.. . ... / .-.. .- - . .-.

Familiar sounds along with the cries of birds made him stir in his sleep, it was the waves, the sands and grasses were his bedding, and the smell of water and salt filled his nose. He was on a beach, he opened his eyes to yawn but the light and fire of the sun attacked them. As he rose he felt strange, almost like. . . something was missing.

No, it was someone

He looked around there was nothing, only the sand and winds. He howled and waited for a response, maybe she had only hunting and hadn't come back yet. But there was nothing, stomping couldn't be heard and the rainforest was quiet. She wasn't here. 

He felt a tingle on his left arm, he mindlessly scratches it but his hand was greeted with the feeling of a cold smooth stone. It was etched into his skin, but not like a scar or splinter, he pulled and bit on it but nothing seemed to get it out. He decided to ignore for now because there were more important to worry on.

He searched and searched through the trees, the water, and rocks but she was missing this was wrong, very wrong. This could not have happened, it shouldn't have happened, but here he was all alone again.  


His mind froze in place just like his body, few beasts scream like that. Soon the roar ceased and he ventures further, the brushes and thickets lead to an open plain two bodies were laid in sunlight, they were like him. What did this? Their shocked faces meant they were caught off guard, off to the left he saw markings they were shaped like his own just . . . off somehow like a foot-shaped smooth stone was its feet. 


It rung again, but now it was further away, of this he was sure. He saw something glint in the back of his sight. It was a weapon, his weapon he yanked it out of the tree it was lodged in, with one last shamefull look at the bodies he went the other way.

He didn't care for these ones, let them fight and kill so long as it wasn't him. But if they ever came for him or worse yet her

they would be very happy if it was fast.

Author's Note:  And that concludes the Prolouge of Book One, if you're an old time reader of mine DON'T WORRY this story will have short digestible parts and be released once a week

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Author's Note:  And that concludes the Prolouge of Book One, if you're an old time reader of mine DON'T WORRY this story will have short digestible parts and be released once a week. I'll try my best not to let them consume too much time Have a great Day!

Also Side Note: this story will heavily tie into ASE's lore and survivor stories so if you want to get a better understanding on it I highly recommend watching NeddyTheNoodle's videos on them him and his team have done a stellar job on it!

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