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Hello there I don't know who you are and I think we can agree it goes both ways over here. So please let me introduce myself, My name is Helena Walker.

If you've found this that means I've left it somewhere for others to find which means it's important (Like the dossiers I've also written) so I implore to not go throwing it away anytime soon. This Island we're both on is the home of so many different  prehistoric wonders (as well as terrors). If you've been here more than a handful of days than you should know that (as impossible as it may sound) leaving the Island is less than possible. 

Many others in and out of my former group have tried (Myself included) have tried to sail, fly, and even thought of digging their way of the Island. Both times resulted with the same phenomenon; a transparent hexagon shaped barrier blocking any and all departure. My old group tried for well over a month to force their way through it, but it never once seemed to work. 

Not long after giving up on said attempts I was. . . Introduced to without a doubt, the smartest man I've ever met in my life. Sir Edmund Rockwell who claims to come from the 18th century, after the time I spent interviewing him at his manor I was inspired to discover any answers to the mysteries of this Island more than a few mates asked me not to go but I told them this wasn't something that could wait. If I have found said answers I will have left other notes like this, instructions on our freedom, our homes. 

Find them survivor

~Yours Truly Doctor Helena Walker 

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