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Violins playin' and the angels cryin'
When the stars align, then I'll be there
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved

"Venice, I know you miss your Papa. I do too. But he needed some time apart, and it's not because of me. We are still a family, no matter what."

But Venice was inconsolable. He sobbed uncontrollably, his small body heaving with each breath. "I hate you! You made papa leave! I want him, not you!"

"oh venice...

Vegas' shoulders slumped, enveloped by the storm of his son's emotions. He had hoped for a different reaction-one that would allow them to bond over their shared pain.

But instead, he was met with anger and resentment. The realization that his actions had caused this rift deepened his sense of guilt.

Despite the hurtful words, Vegas refused to give up. He knew that Venice needed his love and support more than ever. So, he sat down beside his son, wrapping an arm around him gently, hoping to provide some comfort.

Venice resisted at first, trying to push his father away, but Vegas held onto him firmly.

"I love your papa, Venice. And I love you," Vegas murmured, his voice choked with emotion.

"We may be apart right now, but that doesn't mean we don't care about each other. We will find a way to make things better, I promise."

Venice sniffled, looking up at his father with tear-stained eyes. "Why did he leave, Dad?"

Vegas wiped away his own tears as he searched for the right words.

"Sometimes, in life, adults need some time to figure things out. It's not because of you or anything you did. Papa loves us both very much. Right now, he needs some space, but that doesn't change the fact that he loves you more than anything."

Venice stared at his father, his eyes filled with uncertainty. The anger and hurt seemed to dissipate, replaced with a mixture of confusion and longing.

"Dad, will he come back?" Venice asked, his voice trembling.

Vegas hugged him tighter, his voice tender and full of hope.

"I believe he will, son. We'll work things out, and eventually, Papa will come back to us. We just need to be patient and remember that love always finds a way."

Venice hummed as Vegas made him lay on bed. Maybe, pete was right. Their relationship will improved

Well, that's what vegas had thought

Until tomorrow morning....

When Vegas awoke the next morning, he was instantly aware of the lonesome, desolate silence in his home. His Husband of four years had left him the night before after they had agreed to take a break from their relationship.

Though it was not an easy choice, it was one they both realized was necessary for the betterment of their marriage.

Vegas, however, felt a heavy sense of loss and emptiness. There was no one to greet him when he woke, no one to make breakfast with him in the morning, no one to share affection with.

He found himself using the quiet of the morning to reflect, to let himself naturally process the emotions that came from the situation.

But more than his own aching heart, Vegas had one other element to consider in his morning - that of his ten-year-old son. Venice, whom he and his pete had adopted shortly after getting married.

Ever since his pete had left, Vegas had been attempting to bond with Venice. Although the boy had absolutely no issues with getting along with his adopted father, their relationship on any sort of deeper level had been difficult.

It felt like Venice had started to see him as nothing more than a faceless parent figure rather than as a loving father.

That helpless feeling was something that weighed heavy on Vegas as he made the breakfast that morning.

He'd worked hard to make it special, wanting to try to start some sort of connection with Venice, however slight it may be.

To his surprise, however, Venice refused to eat. He simply looked at the breakfast with cold disinterest before leaving it untouched.

"venice, aren't you hungry. I made your favorite. D-do you want t.. to eat s.. something else", vegas asked as his voice crack in between

Feeling his patience starting to wear thin, Vegas could only stare at his son in disbelief, hurt seeping from the corner of his eyes as he watched him leave without a word.

Vegas spent the rest of the morning in his room, lost in thought as he processed all he'd been through that day. He thought back to when he and Venice first met, how his eyes had lit up with love at the sight of the small boy, how he knew right then that he would try his best to be the best father to him.

He remembered those promises, and how they were now threatened.

Though Vegas had managed to keep his emotions contained thus far, a single, broken sob escaped his lips. It was too much - the hurt, the sorrow, the disappointment.

But most of all, it was the feeling of his son's hatred that pierced his heart the most.

He stayed in his room for the remainder of the day, trying to keep the tears contained while trying desperately to repair the bridge of love between his son and himself.

He had accepted the fact that his pete had been right - the two of them needed a break, but the repercussions of it had now taken a stronger toll than he could have ever imagined.

That night, before going to sleep, Vegas made another promise - this time to himself. He promised that no matter how hard things got, he would never stop fighting for his son's love. It would be the one thing that he could never give up on.

He was lost in his thoughts, when
The sound of his phone ringing brought him back to reality. He saw a familiar number, his pete had called him.

His heart raced as he thought of the many things that could be wrong. He closed his eyes and answered the call.

"Hey," he said, his voice wavering as he heard his pete's voice for the first time in weeks.

"Hey, Vegas," he said. "How are you?"


Our Material girl 👠💍👜💵

Or you can say Vegas biggest enemy💀

makin Presence in Next chapter-

Can You Guess who's it???

"Don't hate me more than i hate myself", Vegaspete Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now