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And everything is not the same now
It feels like all our lives have changed
Maybe when I'm older, it'll all calm down
But it's killin' me now

Vegas got out of bed and went to face his cousin in the living room. His cousin then pointed his finger in Vegas' face

"if you are here, just for making fun of me Khun, go ahead", vegas said dryly

Tankhun rolled his eyes , as he went to vegas and held his wrist taking him to kitchen. Vegas didn't had any energy to fight back, as he let tankhun lead the way

" is he gonna stab me with knife ", vegas thought as he shook his head in disbelief

He watched curiously as tankhun opened his fridge only to close it with a slam making him annoyed

" what do you want khun, ask me", vegas said with a sigh not really want to start any irrelevant argument with him

"There isn't any food in your kitchen. DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE STARVING MY NEPHEW", Tankhun said while glaring Vegas and suddenly Vegas was in a dilemma.

He can't remember what his son ate. He groaned in frustration as he started recalling that Venice always left the food untouched made by him and him being pathetic will just drown in self pity. How can he be so selfish that he even forget to worry about his son

Vegas looked away from Tankhun and slumped in his chair, crossing his arms across his chest. The more he fumed, the smaller he made himself."

"hey, easy Vegas. No need to get yourself worked up. Venice is eating regularly", Tankhun said in a soft voice which was new to Vegas. It's rare seeing tankhun being civil to him

" and how do you fucking know that ", vegas spat

" cause he is having all his meals daily with us ", Tankhun said in equally loud. voice compared to vegas and suddenly the room fell in silence

"I should've done a better job," vegas said in a croaky voice as tears started to stream down his cheeks.

Vegas was so lost in his own guilt and sorrow, he couldn't even begin to come up with a proper way to communicate with his son. He just stared into the horizon, almost as if he was trying to run away from his own emotions.

Tankhun put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault," he told him

"Venice knows you still care for him. He understands that this is just a difficult situation. Give him some time vegas ", Tankhun stated firmly

Vegas didn't feel like he was doing enough for his son. After all, he was the one who was supposed to be taking care of him and providing for him.

Tankhun slowly walked into the kitchen, rolling up his sleeves as he approached, and Vegas couldn't help but feel increasingly on edge. He expected Tankhun to pull him up off his feet and give him a sound scolding. But instead, Tankhun only sighed and merely instructed Vegas to take out some of the food that was already in the cupboard.

Vegas was surprised. He had been expecting something different. He had expected Tankhun to yell at him for sure.

How can tankhun be so calm after knowing Vegas was reason that pete left? vegas was reason his son is having meals at main mansion away from his father. After he snatched everyone happiness, does he even deserve this sympathy?

He wanted Tankhun to yell at him, to beat him But Tankhun wasn't doing that. Instead, he was just calmly watching as Vegas went about his task of cooking them both dinner. Vegas cooked with a new sense of purpose, but he was still on edge.

Finally, Tankhun spoke up. He instructed Vegas to eat what he had made. There was a warmth in his voice, an acceptance that Vegas hadn't experienced in a very long time.

"Stop torturing yourself vegas and have some food", Tankhun stated observing vegas body in such a way making him feel more low

But tankhun doesn't need to know that

He was a shell of his former self. He had lost weight, his muscles had wasted away, and the bags under his eyes were so deep that it looked like he hadn't slept in days. He was insecure; his head feeling full of the doubts and questions that grasped at his mind.

He was left to question his own self worth as the person he'd placed his trust in had left him.

It brought tears to his eyes as he took his first bite.

The food tasted delicious, full of flavors he'd forgotten existed in the world. He became aware of the nourishment his body was receiving, the signals of energy and fulfillment it was sending. Deprivation had clouded his thoughts, but now the veil was lifting.

When the meal was finished, Tankhun was still gazing calmly at him. Vegas knew that underneath that calm façade
there was anger.

"i want to say something important vegas and you need to hear my words calmly", Tankhun said taking a seat on chair next to him

Vegas slowly nod bearing himself for upcoming harsh words, insults but none of them came Instead that sentence was enough to shatter vegas whole world

" I'm taking venice with me ", Tankhun stated calmly

Vegas stood, his fists clenched by his sides, muscles tensed. He glared at Tankhun. "Care to say that again?"

" It's for his own mental health ve-

" Don't you fucking dare. I-i t.. thought i-it was all sympathy y.. you were g.. giving me b.. but no i.. i should have known there was a hidden agenda. I won't let m.. my son be a.. away from me, n.. never", Vegas said shaking his head as no, taking heavy breathes to calm himself down

"Vegas calm down", Tankhun said but Vegas wasn't in any condition to hear that. His breathing got rapid, suddenly the room became too small for him. It was suffocating, he had to get out of here

" dad, are you okay",?

"Don't hate me more than i hate myself", Vegaspete Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now