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You can't hide behind those pretty hazel eyes

And say that everything's alright

My love, our world has split in two

I've given all I have, but still I find a way And I'll just suffocate

As you ignore the elephant in the room

"Hey," he said, mustering a hint of enthusiasm.

"Hey," pete responded, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and concern.

"How are you doing, Vegas?"

Vegas forced a smile as he glanced out the window, "Oh, you know, just enjoying the nightlife," he replied nonchalantly, even though inside, his heart ached for pete presence.

Their conversation flowed as they spoke about trivial things, avoiding the elephant in the room. Vegas hid his insecurities, his fear that his pete would never return to him. He didn't want to burden pete with his pain, wanting to seem strong and accepting of their situation.

Suddenly, their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

It was None other than Venice...

The tension in the room increased as Venice glanced over at Vegas, a look of resentment in his eyes. Vegas know in Venice mind, pete had left because of Vegas, and the bitterness had grown like a thorny vine around his heart.

Vegas glanced at his son, his heart breaking. He desperately wanted to bridge the gap between them, but the pain of the situation had made it challenging.

"Papa, can we talk?" Venice's voice trembled with emotions he had bottled up for long time

Pete, sensing the urgency in their son's voice, immediately replied

"venice,are you okay My Boy",?

Vegas watched as Venice took the mobile from Vegas or more like snatched it and left the room, vegas sigh feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Minutes ticked by, and although Vegas couldn't hear their conversation, he could feel the intensity of their talk. Tears welled up in his eyes, as his emotions threatened to spill over.

He wanted to be strong for his son, to show him he wasn't the cause of their separation, but the pain inside was too real.

Finally, the door opened, and his son stepped back into the room, his eyes red and puffy. Vegas silently prayed that their talk had brought them closer, hoping that their son could understand the true reasons behind their decision to take a break

"He listened, Vegas," pete whispered, his voice wavering. "He finally listened and understood."

Vegas nodded, unable to speak through the tears streaming down his face. The weight he had carried for so long began to dissolve in that moment as rekindled within him.

"take care vegas, we will meet soon",

Even though pete said they will meet soon , something inside vegas mocked him that it's all lie. Pete will never come back to monster like him

After they had finished their polite conversation, Vegas said goodbye and hung up. Even through the phone, he sensed pete worry.

He knew that pete knew something wasn't right, but he somehow found solace in that fact. It gave him hope that, despite their break, Pete is still worried for him.

Vegas put down his phone, he looked at his son, who stood at the doorway, hesitation etched on his face. With tear-streaked cheeks, Vegas walked towards his son, opening his arms wide.

Venice hesitated only for a moment before running into his father's embrace.

Vegas sat on the bed and listened as his son fell into a fit of tears. This had been happening for days, and his son, who usually acted like a good-natured little angel, now seemed unable to control his emotions.

Gently, Vegas spoke to his son, 'What is it, son? Tell me, and I will help.'

His son looked up at him with reddened eyes. 'I miss papa,' he said. 'I want to go to him. I don't like it here with you. You're not nice to me like he is. he's much more fun.'

Vegas felt his heart break and he tried to stay strong ."can you tell me what papa told you on call", vegas asked gently not wanted to force his son

" he said he will come back soon and asked me to be good boy and stay with dad. I told him i missed him, but then also he didn't came dad", venice complained, his voice cracking

Vegas wanted to burn himself for causing the pain to his lover and son, hardly keeping himself together he answered,

'I'm sure, son. Papa is very special, and he's having a wonderful time on his break. But do you remember how much fun we have when we're together? We laugh, we play, we do all sorts of fun things and I love spending time with you. I can't be your pa pete, but I can be the best Dad I can, OK?''

His son nod slowly and the tears still fell, but he seemed to understand. Vegas placed his arms around his son and as his tears ran down his face, he thought about the strong bond that existed between him and his son.

No matter how hard it was to live with him, he could never leave him. He tightened his embrace and thought about the future and how happy he would make them both. His love for his son was the only thing that could make him feel alright.

"d.. do you wanna sleep with dad", vegas asked hesitantly, his heart preparing himself for upcoming rejection

However, instead he was met with a hug. As venice quietly lay down in vegas embrace, making vegas heart melt

" good night son", he whispered while stroking venice hairs

These days are hard for both vegas and his son, He just Hope they make through it or else Vegas would be left alone in the darkness and no one will find him again


Vegas woke up with his son snuggled into his chest. He looked down in contentment, gently tucking the covers around him before leaning down to kiss his forehead. His son's still, peaceful form was a reminder of the miracle that had come into his life.

But unexpectedly, when Vegas leaned back and opened his eyes, he saw his cousin standing in the doorway, a hateful glare directed straight at him. An inexplicable wave of anger surged through him as his whole body tensed.

Vegas' cousin's glare seemed to fill the room, setting fire to every suspicion and bitter memory between them.

Vegas got out of bed and went to face his cousin in the living room. His cousin then pointed his finger in Vegas' face

"if you are here, just for making fun of me Khun, go ahead", vegas said dryly

Tankhun rolled his eyes , as he went to vegas and held his wrist taking him to kitchen. Vegas didn't had any energy to fight back, as he let tankhun lead the way

" is he gonna stab me with knife ", vegas thought as he shook his head in disbelief

So, My Health Physically and Mentally sucks. Bear with irregular updates <3

&quot;Don't hate me more than i hate myself&quot;, Vegaspete Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now