The Bridge

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Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko, Jinx, and Alexander left the Firelights's hideout. As they did, dozens of firelights flew up from the ground, lighting up the area. "What are they?" Caitlyn asked as she watched the firelights fly around. "They're firelights," Ekko replied. "I've never seen so many, though," Vi admitted.

"They tend to congregate in warm places," Alexander explained. "It's also mating season," Jinx added. "It's beautiful," Caitlyn commented. "Yeah, it is," Vi agreed, looking at her.

Ekko noticed and smirked. He knew that Vi liked other girls, and it seemed like Caitlyn won her heart. It was a bit ironic, though. Vi liked an Enforcer when Enforcers killed her parents. It was a little strange, but he trusted Vi and Alexander's judgment.

As they walked through the streets, Alexander suddenly felt like they were being watched. He stopped, and the group turned to him. "What is it?" Jinx asked.

"Something's off..." Suddenly, they were suddenly surrounded by Silco's goons led by Sevika. "Look who we have here," Sevika stated. "Oh, I've been waiting for a rematch," Vi admitted, getting ready to fight.

"Fuck," Ekko muttered. Caitlyn swallowed hard. She felt vulnerable because she didn't have her rifle. Alexander instinctively stepped in front of the group in a protective manner.

"This doesn't have to get ugly, Sevika." She chuckled and replied, "Except it does." As soon as she said that, all hell broke loose. Sevika and Vi started brawling, Ekko and Jinx worked together to overpower the other thugs, and Alexander protected Caitlyn.

As the chaos ensued, Caitlyn noticed a potential distraction. When she got the chance, she yelled to Jinx, "Smoke bomb!" Jinx instantly knew what she was talking about and pulled out a smoke bomb. Jinx set off the smoke bomb, enveloping everyone.

Alexander took the opportunity to grab his group, including a confused Vi, casted the teleportation spell. Both Vi and Caitlyn stared in awe as Jinx squeezed her eyes shut. In a flash, the group appeared in the middle of the bridge.

"How did you do that?" Vi asked. "I'm an Arcane User."

"I thought Arcane Users were gone," Caitlyn admitted. "No, not all. Anyways, we should-." Alexander was cut off by a sudden bright light shined on them. "The hell?" Jinx asked.

Then Marcus emerged from behind the light and spotted Caitlyn. "Kiraman, where the hell have you been? And why was I informed that you released her?" He gestured to Vi, who was giving him a death glare.

"Vi is an innocent woman who was thrown into jail for no reason. Besides, we have evidence that Silco is responsible for shimmer and multiple crimes committed in the Undercity."

Marcus frowned and suddenly aimed his pistol at Vi. Jinx and Caitlyn instinctively stepped in front of Vi protectively as Jinx aimed her pistol at him. Ekko and Alexander took defensive stances. "Marcus, what are you doing?" Caitlyn demanded.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you all cross the bridge. If all of you turn back, I'll pretend this never happened."

"And if we don't?" Ekko growled, gripping his staff. "Then I'll have to arrest you all."

"Fuck you, Marcus," Vi hissed. Alexander stepped in between the group and Marcus. "Wanna see who's faster?" he whispered to Marcus with a deadly look on his face. Marcus couldn't but swallow nervously.

He knew Alexander was an Arcane User and that he was powerful. He couldn't help but feel that fear he felt towards Silco. Without thinking, Marcus tightened his finger around the trigger.

Jinx noticed, and instead of seeing Marcus, she saw a scratchy painting of a monster. Out of instinct, Jinx shot Marcus, and the dart struck him in the neck. Marcus stumbled back and collapsed. Hearing the gun fire, the other Enforcers on the bridge charged toward them.

Alexander's fist glowed blue as he slammed his fist into the ground. As soon as he did, the ground in front of him rippled like a wave. The Enforcers were sent flying off the bridge and into the filthy river below.

"Holy shit," Vi breathed. Alexander turned to the group and said, "We need to go. Now."

"I know where we can go. Follow me," Caitlyn stated, running ahead. Vi caught up to her as the rest of the group ran behind them. Little did they know that Heimerdinger saw all this.

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