An Unexpected Truth

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Heimerdinger was walking through the halls, replaying his interactions with Alexander in his mind. It couldn't be him, could it? He's the same age the baby would've been, and he's an Arcane user. In fact, he reminded Heimerdinger lot of an old friend.

"Councilmam Heimerdinger?" He turned to see Mel approaching him. "Oh, hello, my dear. How have you been?"

"I've been fine. You seemed troubled, though. Is something wrong?"

"Not particularly, no. It's just that I have a sneaking suspicion about the Arcane user Alexander."

"Do you think he's trouble?"

"No. I believe he's a good man."

"Then, what is it?"

"He reminds me of someone I used to know, and I suspect that he's her child."

"Really?" Heimerdinger nodded. "What's her name?"

"Elena. Elena Crestwood."

"Wait, as in the queen of the fallen kingdom, Hariti?"


"But, I thought her and her husband were slaughtered during my mother's conquest of it."

"It's true, they were killed, but they had a son, who was sent away before the attack."

"What makes you think Alexander is their son?"

"He's 31, an Arcane user, and looks a lot like Elena."

"Was Elena or her husband an Arcane user?"

"Elena was, but I am not 100% sure if Alexander is their son or not."

"Well, there is a way to find out."

"What do you mean?"

"We could do a DNA test." Heimerdinger hummed thoughtfully, then Mel asked, "If it is him, what will this mean for us?"

"I don't know. I hope it doesn't put him in danger. His identity was hidden for a reason. If the wrong person finds out who he is, it could be disastrous."

"Well, it's a good thing I can keep secrets. Let's keep this between us. If Alexander is indeed the prince, then it'll be better if as little people as possible know about him."

"All right. Let's see if it's true then."


Vi and Caitlyn were in Caitlyn's room, talking about random things when Jinx practically kicked down the door. "Jinx! That was really not necessary," Caitlyn scolded. Jinx laughed and flopped onto the bed in between the two other women.

"Sorry, I'm bored."

"Of course you are," Vi chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes. "So, what are we talking about?" Jinx asked. "Random stuff," Caitlyn replied.

"Caitlyn, I saw that you have a shooting range in the backyard. Can I practice shooting with it?"

"Sure, as long as I come with you," Caitlyn stated. "Yay!" Jinx bounced off the bed, tugging Caitlyn with her. Vi laughed and followed. As they made their way down the stairs, Ekko and Alexander noticed them, and Ekko asked, "Where are you guys going?"

"To the shooting range," Jinx replied. "Wait, there's a shooting range?" Ekko asked. "Yes, there is. It's in the backyard," Caitlyn explained. Alexander chuckled and said, "Okay, have fun, and Jinx, don't go too crazy."

"No promises!" Jinx declared. Alexander chuckled again as Jinx, Caitlyn, and Vi walked away. They walked outside and into the backyard. There were lare targets sticking up from the ground at different distances from the wooden wall with rifles hanging on it.

"Let's do a competition," Jinx suggested. "A competition?" Caitlyn asked. "Yeah, I'm really good at shooting, and you're an Enforcer. Let's see who's the better shot."

"Sounds fun. Vi, would you like to be the judge?" Caitlyn asked. "Sure."

"Fuck, yeah, let's do this!" Jinx exclaimed, practically jumping to the wall. Caitlyn and Vi chuckled as they followed her. Jinx pulled out her pistol as Caitlyn pulled a rifle off the wall. "Who's going first?" Vi asked as Caitlyn loaded her rifle.

"Caitlyn can go. It's her shooting range," Jinx stated. "Okay," she replied as she aimed her rifle at a target. She then shot the of all of the targets and got a bullseye each time. "Damn, you're a great shot," Jinx stated.

"Thank you." Caitlyn lowered her rifle and added, "Let's see what you can do." Jinx smirked and aimed her pistol at a target. She, like Caitlyn, got a bullseye at each target.

"That was amazing," Caitlyn said with a smile. "Thanks," she replied. "What do you think, Vi?" Caitlyn asked. "I think it's a tie. You're both awesome shots."

"Yay!" Jinx then threw her arms around Caitlyn in a tight hug. Caitlyn smiled and hugged her back. Vi couldn't help but smile at the sight. She was glad that her sister was getting along with Caitlyn.

"Girls." They turned as Caitlyn and Jinx released each other and saw Mrs. Kiraman. "I'd like for you all to come inside. We have guests."

"'Guests'?" Caitlyn asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes. Come to the living room," she replied and went inside. Vi and Jinx gave Caitlyn confused expressions. "Don't look at me. I don't know who it is."

"Let's find out then," Vi said, and Caitlyn put the rifle back. The trio went inside and to the living room where Mr. and Mrs. Kiraman, Alexander, Ekko, Heimerdinger, and Mel were. Ekko and Alexander were just as confused as everyone else was by this visit. "Caitlyn, it's good to see you again," Mel greeted. "Likewise," she replied.

"So, what is this about?" Vi asked. "It's about you, my dear boy," Heimerdinger stated, looking at Alexander. "Me?"

"Yes, we have a theory about you, and we'd like to confirm it," Mel explained. "What 'theory' are you talking about?" Alexander asked. "Tell me, were you adopted?" Heimerdinger asked. "Yes, why?"

"Because we believe you're..." Mel trailed off and glanced at Heimerdinger. He nodded once, and Mel looked back at Alexander. "We believe you're the son of a king and queen Heimerdinger knew."

"I'm sorry, what?" Alexander asked, very confused and shocked. "You think he's a prince?" Ekko asked. "Well, it's only a theory. We'd like to perform a DNA test to be sure, if you're okay with it, Alexander," Heimerdinger explained.

He hesitated and glanced at the others. Everyone was looking at him expectingly, and he nervously swallowed. "Okay, do what you need to do." Heimerdinger pulled out a little blue rod with a screen on it.
"This will show your family tree. All we need is a drop of blood," he explained.

Alexander held out his index finger, and Heimerdinger placed the end of the rod on his finger, and Alexander felt a prick on his finger. He moved the rod out of the way to see a drop of blood. "Place your finger on the end," Heimerdinger instructed.

Alexander did as he was told, and the device beeped. Alexander retrieved his finger, and Heimerdinger looked at the screen and gasped. "What is it?" Jinx asked. "It really is you. You're Elena's baby boy."

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