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Alexander's heart dropped as he exchanged a wide-eyed expression with Jinx and Jayce. "What? You really thought you didn't have more family out there?" Lord Vollmer asked. Alexander's shocked expression was replaced by suspicion. "What makes you think I'll believe you?"

"You can sense if I'm lying, can you not?" Alexander frowned as he realized that the older man wasn't lying. "I'm sorry for the way I went about this. It was the only way I knew you'd come," Lord Vollmer stated.

"Wait, you're the one who kidnapped Caitlyn?" Jayce asked. "Along with Silco, just in case Caitlyn wasn't enough."

"Fuck," Jinx muttered. "What do you want?" Alexander demanded. "You, Alexander. You and I are what is left of royal family of Hariti. I want to take it back, but I can't without your help."

"You're telling me that you did all of this just to ask me to take back a kingdom that's gone?"

"Alexander, it is our birthright. Besides, family sticks together."

"We may be blood related, but you're not my family. I have no interest in joining you, so you can go fuck yourself."

"Oh, it seems you're under the impression that I'm giving you choice. Well, perhaps after you get some fight out of your system, you'll be more cooperative."

Lord Vollmer snapped his fingers, and all Hell broke loose. Jayce and Jinx were fighting the goons while Alexander fought Lord Vollmer. There were blasts of Arcane filling the air. That was when Ekko, Vi, Caitlyn, and Silco arrived.

"Is that another Arcane user?" Silco asked. "Apparently," Ekko muttered. "Caitlyn, you need to get out of here," Vi stated. Before she could respond, Alexander slammed into them a few feet away.

Another blast of Arcane flew toward Alexander. Before anyone could react, Silco did something no one expected. He jumped in front of Alexander and took the hit. "Silco!" Alexander yelled.

Ekko threw a grenade at Lord Vollmer, and it exploded, sending him flying back. Alexander rushed over to Silco, who was sitting up. "Silco, what the fuck?"

"You're welcome, and don't worry about me. Take that bastard down." Alexander got up and created a forcefield around his group in time for his uncle's attack.

"Your friends are only holding you back," Lord Vollmer stated as he approached them. Then Jayce used his hammer to shoot at him as Jinx threw a bomb at him.

Lord Vollmer flicked his wrist, and a shield appeared, protecting him, only for Vi to take him by surprise. She kneed him hard in the face, knocking him down.

Lord Vollmer jumped back up so fast Vi didn't have time to react. With an Arcane-enhanced punch, he struck her face, knocking her out. "Vi!" Caitlyn yelled. She tried to run to her, only for Ekko grab her, preventing her from getting to Vi.

"Ekko, let go!"

"He'll kill you!"

"He'll kill Vi!" Lord Vollmer leaned down to grab Vi when Alexander surged forward to punched him hard in the face. "Get the hell away from her."

Lord Vollmer laughed. "I think you should be more worried for Silco." Alexander and saw that Silco was clutching his chest, looking unusually pale. Alexander's heart dropped as Silco fell onto his side, and Alexander teleported to him.

"Silco...?" His breathing was shallow, and Alexander's heart began pounding. "See, Alexander? This is what happens when you try to be the hero. Those you love get hurt," Lord Vollmer replied.

Purple flashed through his eyes as pure rage filled Alexander's heart. Without a word, he spun around and threw a purple beam of energy at him. It took Lord Vollmer by surprise as it struck him in the chest, sending him flying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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