[Freshly done, checkin]

550 19 10

Arriving at my new college - it's ultra fancy with dorms and all.

I park looking up at the pristine condition of the school - it looks brand new though it's been around for ages.

The trees were even well-kept and stuck in their planter boxes - with pretty arrays of daisies and daffodils.

I knew I'd be homesick the first few nights - due to the fact I'm a state in a half from my home state.

I groan, "Cheers to starting yet another four-year journey in school.. my least favorite"

I picked up my water bottle taking a sip -  Dream, my best friend for ages should be coming to make sure I make it to the office effectively. And help me move into my dorm if need be.

Dream walked out and smiled.

"Hey man," he said seeing me.

"Hey bro," I said getting out of my car with my keys and water in hand.

I look up and blinked, "when did you get so fucking tall last summer we wore the same height I sware" I added.

Dream laughed a bit, "I grew a bit since you last saw me. But damn I'm happy  to be in the same school as you again"

"Me too" I chuckle, "so what's this I hear about you having a campus boyfriend?"

He blushed a bit looking up, "u wouldn't call him that... it's nothing yet"

He took my arm and aided me to a very big school.

"Oo~ dreamie has a crush" I teased him only to get hit on the head.

"Oh shut the hell up." Dream hissed at me. "It probably  will stay nothing  to"

"Why do you say that? You're handsome anyone would want you" I raised a brow, "you were so simped for in high school I'm shocked you're single"

Dream glared at me, "Collage is a different playground, most everyone wants this one asshole"

"You're kidding me.. why would anyone like an asshole. Yet alone romantically" I said in a soft yet shocked tone.

"I don't know man - he is a blue-eyed blondie" Dream groaned, "you know whatever girl dreams of, and he's about three inches shorter than me"

"Damn. Now I see.. but it's all for looks and not personality.. which he seems to be lacking in" I say, "well from what I hear"

I'll come to my own informed opinion  - I'm sure if Dream sees him he'll point him out. As we walk into the student aid or office.

"Hello, how can I help you Mr was taken.. and you are?" The secretary said looking at me.

"This is the new student - he had asked me to show him around," Dream said, "he is my best friend after all"

"Oh hello, you must be Niclous Halo?" The secretary said.

"I prefer sapnap.. over my real name" I mutter out, it's always awkward hearing my dead name - well birth-name...

I haven't used it since sixth grade - mostly that the year my home life did a summersault and it became terrible.

It went from happy and normal - to hellish, and it's all because unknown to me my family was super Christian and anti-homosexuality or trans... or any of the checkboxes other than straight.

So when I came out - there were tears, pleads and begs, doing wired rituals with the cross and 'holy water ', to try and convert me to the only thing they deem right.

Witch in actuality there's no right or wrong when it comes to sexuality - well maybe not shove it down others' throats.

"Oh sorry dear, well change that away, why was that on the doc though if you don't go by it" the secretary asked.

"Family isn't the most... well supportive and they wore literally- over my shoulder and forced it to be the legal name because it asked for the legal name.." I mutter.

"Fine print said, or name you're most comfortable with and I know well you're the legal name you despise" Dream raised a brow at me.

Halo isn't even my real last name - it's a friend of my name bad, I took him on legal documents because since sixth grade he and Skeppy have been more parental to me than my actual parents.

"My guess is Mr was taken, it's probably some excuse of. They named Mr halo how they did so it's their name" the secretary said, "I've heard it one to hundred times"

"Yes." I mutter, "Well- can I have the dorm keys and such"

"Oh right  of course!" The secretary Saif.

She looked at her computer looking up my name or something and then turned and grabed the room keys and printed out a paper.

"Here's ur class squal and dorm keys, you're dorm is 145B" the secretary  said, "have a good day!"

I took the items gentely, "thank you, you to"

Tw:homobia  / mention religious banter(basically gay = Sin, so church Karen logic), highschool level insults, bullying.. and drugs, achole.

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